Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Day in the life: blogger & freelance writer

I work in a pub 4 evenings a week, but my day times are taken up with blogging and freelance writing etc - I thought it might be fun to put together a post about a day in my life doing these things. This is just an example of *one* day, though, and most days are completely different. Enjoy!

I woke up at around half eight after a rubbish night's sleep, and was definitely tempted to roll over and go back to sleep because I don't have the pressure of needing to turn up to an office on time. But alas, I had shit to do so I opened my laptop and replied to a few emails; mostly they were from brands trying to get me to place dodgy links to their sites on my blog, but there were some alright ones in there too. Then I got ready (wearing my Primark vintage mom jeans which have become my go-to) and headed out to get the bus to Liverpool. I had a sponsored blog post that was scheduled to go live at 10am, so while I was on the bus I checked it had gone up okay and made sure to share it on my social media pages to get the word out there - you can read it here if you want!

I'd planned to meet my other half to go and check out the da Vinci exhibition that's on at the Walker Art Gallery, which is fun and cultural but also a really good chance to get some Instagram content in case there's a bit of a lull over the next month. I try to post on Instagram at least every other day in order to retain engagement, so this is kind of important. I also updated my stories while we were here, again to aid local social media engagement which is a huge part of blogging and especially travel blogging, which I do a lot of. After this we headed to Koop on Bold Street, where we'd never been before; I organise menu tasting events for local bloggers, so I'm always scoping out potential restaurants to contact for this. The food was decent and SO filling, so if you've got a big appetite I'd recommend!

I was supposed to have an early afternoon meeting to discuss one of the aforementioned menu tasting events, but the restaurant cancelled so I was at a loose end - P was still with me so we headed to our favourite pub, Lady of Mann. While we were there I did some Twitter posts for some clients that I currently do a bit of social media for, as well as updating my own Instagram story with my brief thoughts on our trip to Koop.

At 4 I had a meeting with another potential restaurant for the menu tasting events I organise, which was in the Baltic Triangle area of Liverpool - so I made my way there, and had a bit of a chat with one of the managing directors about my vision for the event and what she wanted, and we came up with a bit of a plan. It was a really positive meeting and this menu tasting event is now scheduled and ready to promote, so thats's exciting! I then took some snaps of the graffiti in the Baltic Triangle (insta content again lol) and headed back into the city centre to find somewhere to hole up with my laptop and do some stuff.

I ended up in Tabac on Bold St, where I got my laptop out and wrote 2 blog posts, sent a load of emails, replied to any emails/messages that had come in throughout the day and created the invite for the menu tasting event that I'd just had the meeting for. I could have gone home and done this, but I was holding out to head to Wok to Walk (also Bold St) to try out some of their food, which I was invited to a week or so earlier...

7pm rolled around and it was time to head down to Wok to Walk (full blog post HERE) which was great, and then it was time to head home. And by home, I mean the pub. So there you have it, a day in the life for a blogger/freelance writer - like I say, every day is different so this is definitely NOT what I spend every day doing (I wish, because this was a good day) but it's not a bad life!

What does a day in the life typically look like for you in your job?

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