Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Five recent reads: December 2020

I may be publishing this in January but these are all the books I read in November/December 2020 which was... not a lot. But here are the five books I've read recently and what I thought of them! Hopefully you can find some reading inspiration here...

First up was Winging It by Anna Jefferson, which I was on the publicity tour for; I did a full review here so I won't go on, but I loved this book. It's a funny novel about first-time motherhood and it really doesn't hold back. A definite recommendation from me! Buy Winging It here.

The Last Mrs Parrish was a thriller that I think I got in a charity shop - it's by Liv Constantine and I went in with no expectations having never hear of the author or the book. But it was amazing! It's about a woman who carefully dismantles her best friend's marriage in order to have the rich husband for herself, and how (of course) it all goes wrong. The twists and surprises in this novel were outstanding. Highly recommend. Buy The Last Mrs Parrish here.

For the rest of the month I only read YA, starting with Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett. I'm pretty sure I got this from The Works ages ago; it's about a girl who goes on a camping trip with a group of her friends as well as her current sworn enemy. It's your classic adorable enemies-to-lovers and I absolutely lapped it up. If you like a YA romance novel, this is for you. Buy Starry Eyes here.

Next I read The Pieces of Ourselves by Maggie Harcourt. It follows Flora, a girl who works at a fancy hotel, as she meets Hal - a guy who is delving into the history of the area to find out the truth about a story his grandfather told him. I loved the snippets of WW2 history in this book, and the slow burning love story, and the mental health references too. All in all a beautiful British YA novel that had me in tears at the end! Buy The Pieces of Ourselves here.

Melt My Heart is Bethany Rutter's second book, and I knew I'd love it. My mum got it me for Christmas - it follows Lily, a plus-size girl who's off to uni so decides to have a whole summer of trying new things. It's a fun story, and I love the way Beth writes; the representation throughout is amazing, and all in all it's just a real feel-good book that I'd definitely recommend if you want some fresh YA in your life. Buy Melt My Heart here.

Here's to a great reading year in 2021 - I'm always open to book recommendations if you want to pop your favourites in the comments below. Happy new year!

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