Now we're back in lockdown and we're not allowed to go to the pub/I can't do my day job, I've got a lot more time for reading. So when Orion asked me to join the publicity tour for Winging It, I of course said yes - so here's my thoughts on this debut novel from Anna Jefferson.
Winging It is a novel about a first time mum navigating the first year of her baby's life. As someone who doesn't want kids (I'm more than happy being everyone's favourite Aunty Katy) I thought I might struggle to connect with the main character, Emily - but I absolutely loved her. It's a refreshing and incredibly honest take on motherhood - the things nobody tells you, but the bits you probably wish somebody *really* had.
The highs and lows of Emily's first year as a mum to baby Lucy are interspersed with a side plot about Emily and her ex-best-friend Rachel. They've fallen out and it's all a bit awkward, and there's a couple of throwback chapters, and it just makes for a really interesting part of the book. Emily and Rachel were obviously so close growing up, and I was dying to know what had happened to make them fall out so badly. The reason definitely surprised me!
From getting drunk and dancing on tables with other new mums to having regular fallouts with her partner Nick, the book sees Emily experience just about every emotion possible. She's sore and scared and head over heels in love with her beautiful new baby, and as a reader you really do feel like you're seeing the most raw side of someone. I loved Anna Jefferson's funny writing style and the no-holds-barred way she writes about a topic that is often probably quite difficult to write about.
All in all, I loved this book - if you're a new mum I'd definitely recommend it (if you're pregnant then it might scare the shit out of you) but even if you're childless like me, it's still a FANTASTIC read and I devoured it in a day!
If you want to get your hands on a copy of Winging It by Anna Jefferson, CLICK HERE. It comes out tomorrow (12th November) and it's definitely worth a read.
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