Monday, 30 December 2019

Seven recent reads | December 19

So it's been a while since I posted a 'recent reads' style blog post, hasn't it? I last shared some books in October, and since then I've just been constantly busy with freelance work, trips away and all sorts of other things that have taken my attention away from reading. I wanted to read 50 books this year, and fell just short of my self-imposed target - so here are my final seven books of 2019, and what I thought of them...

Firstly, It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne. I absolutely love reading YA novels, and this was no exception. Such a lovely story line about two teenagers working in a cinema, casually making their own short film and falling in love along the way. Gorgeous, gorgeous book. GET IT HERE

Next up I read Sleep by C L Taylor which a friend lent to me and I thought it was fantastic. So much suspense and horror and creepy stuff - it's set in a hotel on a really remote island and all sorts of nasty shit goes down. And what a twist... GET IT HERE

You'll have already seen my review of Mine by Emily Merrill but I want to reiterate how much I loved it, and how much I would recommend it! Such a fantastic late-YA book, and a really important storyline written so well. GET IT HERE

I then read Just Before I Died by S. K. Tremayne - and I have to say, this is one of the best books I've ever read. In my top five books of all time, easily. It's about a woman who almost dies, and everything that unfolds afterwards. I can't tell you anything else for fear that I might spoil any of it but seriously, if you read one book that I recommend ever, make it this one. GET IT HERE

Starter for Ten by David Nicholls was my next read; I love him as an author, and this book is fantastic. It's set in the 80s so has a brilliant retro feel, and it's all about a guy called Brian who goes to uni and love University Challenge, and fancies this posh girl. As you imagine, it's funny and lovely and just the right amount of cringeworthy. GET IT HERE

Next up was Other People's Secrets by Louise Candlish. I liked this, but it didn't really grab me - it's about a grieving couple on holiday in Italy, and the posh family in the villa next door. Of course they end up spending loads of time together and all sorts of strange things occur, and it's a decent story line I just thought, overall, it was a bit 'meh'... GET IT HERE

Last but not least, Haven't They Grown by Sophie Hannah. I'm doing a full blog post about this one in the new year, because I'm on the tour for it, but honestly it is FANTASTIC. She never disappoints, and this one - about a woman who sees her friends' kids, who look the exact same 12 years on - is one of her best. PRE-ORDER HERE

What have you been reading recently? What should I put on my 2020 to-read list? Let me know!


  1. Just Before I Died sounds right up my street! x


  2. Some of these books are definitely going on my reading list - Sleep sounds particularly interesting!

  3. Starter for ten sounds like a book that I would absolutely love I will have to check it out x

  4. I must admit, I have thought about getting into Young Adult Fiction again, I used to always enjoy it.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

  5. YA contemporary fiction is my favourite! x

  6. I've added pretty much all of these to my TBR list as it sounds like you've read some really good stuff lately! I've actually had a copy of Starter for Ten lying around for ages and haven't read it yet, I need to do that!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  7. I've not read any of these but am always looking for recommendations! I love Sophie Hannah so will definitely have to pick up Haven't They Grown!
    Soph - x

  8. I don't really read anymore as I just can't find the time. I'd absolutely love to get back into reading though. I'll definitely take note of a couple of these books for when I need a good read x

    Megan Elizabeth

  9. I need to find more time to read this year x
