Sunday, 22 September 2019

Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation | review

I used to do a lot of foundation reviews, because I was always trying new ones out - but then I found a few staple ones that worked for me, and my foundation reviews fell by the wayside. But recently I got my hands on the brand new Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation*, and I knew I had to share my thoughts.

A bit of background

I've tried other Urban Decay foundations in the past (see here) and I love them as a brand. I'm very pale, and my skin is dry but prone to spots. I have a lot of scarring, too. I work behind a bar, and it gets quite hot and sweaty. I like a full coverage, and would go for glowy rather than matte.

a bottle of urban decay foundation on a grey blanket

But enough about me! The New Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation is vegan-friendly, and comes in 50 shades with a variety of undertones and all that good stuff. It claims to be waterproof and to last for 24 hours, but I've not tested that yet - maybe when I head to Spain... It retails for £29.50 and you can get it on the Urban Decay site, and on Look Fantastic, as well as in their standalone stores/at counters nationwide.

My first impressions

When I very first tried it (applied with a damp beauty sponge, of course) I wasn't entirely sure. But by the time I'd finished the rest of my make up, I was completely sold on it. It's quite a low-coverage, which is new for me, but it looks so healthy and natural that I do really like it. It's also more matte than I'm used to, but I've since experimented with a more glowy primer and some extra highlighter, and it looks fab.

an up close shot of my face
Pictured without flash
It also lasts really well - I've tried it with both The Ordinary's High Spreadability Fluid Primer and my favourite primer of all time, the HA Blur by Hylamide. I feel it lasts better with the HA Blur, but the difference is minimal!

I've also tried it mixed in with the Flormar Liquid Illuminator* and it works really well for a bit of extra glow without changing the consistency or lasting power of the foundation itself.

My final thoughts

All in all, it's a brilliant foundation. I get so many compliments when I wear it, and even though you can still see scarring underneath I don't really mind - because it really does look great regardless. There are a variety of shades to choose from, and I don't think its *too* pricey either.

a selfie, me wearing a black top with a checked shirt open over it and pouting
Pictured with flash.
Should you get the Urban Decay Stay Naked Foundation? Yes, absolutely!

For my thoughts on the Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation, CLICK HERE
This foundation was gifted to me for review; please see my disclaimer for more info.


  1. I'm really tempted to buy this, however, I want to give the new Charlotte Tilbury one a try too.

  2. This sounds lovely! Love the finish on your skin X

    Kate |

  3. this looks beautiful on you! I prefer something with a little more coverage x

    Joyce |

  4. I haven't tried an UD foundation before! I loveee their lip and eye products but I've always been matched wrong with a sample and never gone back again xx

  5. I'm so intrigued by this but I do love my full coverage too much!

  6. 've heard so many good things about it! So so good!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  7. Ahh it looks fab, I love a foundation that has coverage but still looks natural!

    Gemma Louise

  8. This does sound like a lovely foundation, whilst I like coverage I do like it to still look natural and like skin as much as possible. It has been a whole since I checked out Urban Decay, I will have to have browse again.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
