Friday 20 September 2019

My pre-travel checklist

I'm so nosy, and love to know people's routines in the run up to a trip. Some of my favourite YouTube videos are 'pack with me' style videos (Brogan Tate does them really well, and it always amazes me how organised she is). I head to Spain next weekend, for a chilled out week with one of my best friends, so I thought I'd share with you what I need to do/sort before go - just in case you're interested!


I obviously have to go to my job and do the freelance work I'd be doing anyway over the next week, but I also want to make sure I'm ahead of myself before I go away. That means writing extra articles, ensuring things are scheduled further in advance than they usually would be, and just generally having everything sorted. The stress...


I need to decide what clothes are coming with me, for starters. Over the past couple of months I've bought some new bits, as I've not been on a relaxing sunny holiday for a while. I got a new swimming costume and a cover up "kimono" style thing to stop me getting burnt; I've got sliders and patterned shirts and wide leg trousers, and everything needs a good iron.

So I'll iron everything at some point, then dig out my packing cubes and start putting things in the case. We're sharing one big case between us, and then taking a cabin suitcase each too - so things like shoes, beauty products and clothes can go in the big case, then books/underwear/miscellaneous stuff can go in my cabin suitcase.


I'm going all-out for this holiday. I've booked to get shellac on my nails, my brows waxed and tinted and lash extensions! So I have to have a patch test done for my lashes, in case I'm allergic to the glue or whatever, and then I have my nail/brow appointment at one salon on the Thursday followed by my lash appointment on the Friday. Jesus wept.

I also need to decide what beauty products to pack! I'll probably not be wearing much, and I will hopefully do an in-depth post about the beauty products I do take with me in case you want to know. I'm sure it'll all be on my Instagram stories, too...

Last minute bits

Then for all the last minute *stuff* that needs doing, like charging up my portable charger and digging out the aftersun. I need to load up my travel currency card (I use WeSwap and you can get a free tenner when you sign up here) and get some euros out in cash (just in case), tidy my room so it's nice to come home to, check us in online and all the good stuff. And then it will finaaaaallllly be time to head to Spain!

God knows I've probably missed something out, and I just feel like I have soooo much to do before I go on holiday. If you've been to Santa Susanna in Spain and have any recommendations, please let me know!

For 9 things to pack in your travel first aid kit, CLICK HERE


  1. Isn't it crazy how much we prepare ourselves prior to a trip!? Especially with beauty treatments. I always plan my outfits before I pack too, haha! Have a lovely time xx

    Megan Elizabeth

  2. I always get so excited when I'm going on a trip and always end up packing weeks in advanced.

  3. I would love to go to spain one day! Going on holiday requrires so much to do beforehand x

    Joyce |

  4. There's always so much to remember and then I end up buying a toothbrush at the airport anyways 😂

  5. I need to remember this before I go away now!

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  7. I love posts like this as I'm nosy too!
    I find pre-travel activities exciting but also stressful..especially timing all beauty treatments perfectly before you go x
