Tuesday 17 April 2018

Australian Travel Trips: How to Enjoy an Adventure Down Under

Aus is definitely a bucket list kinda trip, being so far away from us here in the UK - and life is just completely different over there with the endless sunshine, giant spiders and laidback lifestyle. If you're planning a trip down under, here's a guest post that might help you!

Taking a trip to Australia can be a once in a lifetime experience, as it’s a location that’s quite unlike any other. The outback is a feat to say the least, while the bustling cities and beautiful beaches won’t be easily forgotten.

Thankfully, figuring out how to enjoy the most memorable adventure down under doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might initially imagine. In fact, this handy guide contains some of the best steps that you can follow to start planning your journey today!

So, what are you waiting for mate? Read on to discover more now!

Plan Your Travel & Transport First

First and foremost, you should always begin by planning your travel and transport first. You’ll soon find yourself in a near-nightmarish experience if you’re stuck in the middle of Australia with nowhere to turn, especially if you run out of money or do not know where to access alternative transport. So, before you even consider booking a hotel, start by booking your flights, train journeys, taxis and more. You’re likely going to have to travel for several hours by plane - if you’re traveling from LA to Sydney then you can expect to be in the air for around 15 hours minimum, while British travelers can expect to spend 20 hours plus when visiting Perth from London. As a result, it’s likely going to be best if you can save up some extra funds and upgrade your flight to first class. Having more leg room, better comfort and an improved meals service will help your Australian getaway to start off with your best foot forward.

Don’t forget to arrange for a taxi to pick you up from the airport and take you to your hotel, as this way you can decide on a fixed fee and maintain peace of mind that you’re safe and sound despite being in a foreign country. If you want to travel around Australia while you’re there, then book onto something like the Indian Pacific train - this will take you across Australia, allowing you to see countless sights and locations along the way.

Prepare For Bugs, Blisters, Bites & More

It’s fair to say that Australia can be a harsh environment, boasting many natural risks and dangers that cannot realistically be avoided no matter how hard you try. The sheer volume of poisonous, toxic and deadly critters that live in Australia is enough to turn even the strongest of stomachs, but the fact of the matter is that residents navigate these risks each and every day, so you can too. Make sure you pack a strong bug deterrent spray that you can apply to your skin and clothes before heading out for the day, as this will repel mosquitoes amongst other potentially dangerous insects. It’s also essential for you to bring some sun tan lotion with a high SPF, as the sun is particularly unforgiving here and temperatures can reach as high as 40 degrees Celsius. You can also bring a few basic survival supplies with you too, especially if you’re going out into the desert.

Enjoy your trip down under! 


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