Thursday, 18 January 2018

6 Hacks to Strengthen your Assertive Communication Skills

When it comes to be assertive, I like to think I'm *pretty* good at that. In today's guest post, you can read 6 tips or 'hacks' for getting better at it yourself... Enjoy!

Do you feel like you could use some help with your communication skills? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with communicating effectively, especially when it comes to asserting themselves. However, there are a few hacks that can help strengthen your assertive communication skills. This blog post will discuss six of them!

Understand Your Needs

Before you can effectively communicate your needs, it's important to understand what those needs are. Take some time to reflect on the areas in which you feel you need extra help with assertiveness and write them down. This will make it easier for you to articulate them when it comes time to communicate. In addition, acknowledging your needs can help you feel more confident in expressing them.

Practise Assertive Language

Once you know what your needs are, practice using phrases such as "I think" or "I feel" when expressing yourself. These types of language can help ensure that other people take your needs seriously rather than brushing them off or making assumptions about what they think is best for you. Focus on using positive language and avoid phrases such as "you should" or "you need to".

Make use of professional help

If you find yourself struggling with assertive communication, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or life coach can work with you on developing more vital communication skills and providing valuable insight into how to handle difficult conversations better. Furthermore, you may consider a course in building confidence that can provide you with the knowledge and skills to assert yourself better.

Set Boundaries

Another way to strengthen your assertiveness is by setting boundaries for yourself. This means understanding what behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable for you and then communicating this to others in a clear, direct manner. It's important that these boundaries are respected and adhered to if you want to be taken seriously when asserting yourself.

Listen Actively

Remember to listen when communicating with others actively. Active listening involves paying attention and responding to what the other person is saying without judgement. This allows you to understand their perspective better and can help foster healthier communication in the long run and healthy relationships. In addition, it also allows you to respond effectively to their comments and concerns.

Be Confident

Remember to be confident when communicating with others. This means believing in yourself and your ability to handle difficult conversations, as well as having faith that you are capable of asserting yourself effectively. Furthermore, it's important to remember that even if you make mistakes, it doesn't mean your assertive communication skills are weak. Just focus on learning from your mistakes and continue practising until you become more comfortable with asserting yourself. Remember, confidence is key!

In conclusion, having strong and assertive communication skills is essential to effectively advocating for yourself and getting your needs met. With the five tips discussed above, you can start strengthening your assertive communication skills today!

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