Saturday 29 February 2020

February 2020: the round up

It's time for my second monthly round-up post! So, if you're interested, here's everything I've been up to this past month...

We started the month off with a night at the Premier Inn and dinner at one of my favourite restaurants in Liverpool, Mowgli. It was a lovely night, and left us ready for our tour of Anfield the next day which was actually fantastic. If you know me, you'll know I'm actually a (whispers) Newcastle fan - but the tour was still brilliant and P loved it as he's a massive red. It's only around £20 per person, and I'd definitely recommend it if you're into football!

After the tour we went to Honest Burgers, another fab place to eat in Liverpool, and then I actually went to a vintage sale with my best pal Holly and two of our other friends. It was a 'fill a bag' style of sale, hosted by Open Door Whitechapel to raise some much-needed funds. I got some really cool sweatshirts, a black denim skirt and some other lovely bits all for the cost of my £10 ticket so I was thrilled.

Some other highlights of my month: I went to Manchester for a meeting with the lovely Jenny who works for La Roche-Posay, which was fab (and I got my hands on loads of goodies) and it was just really nice to have a change of scenery. I also attended my first Boss Babe's Brunch event at Too Faced in Liverpool which was great fun - networking events are so worthwhile if you have your own business of any kind, and I can't wait for the next one! We also hosted our annual day of music at the pub where I work, and raised nearly £4,000 for Brain Tumour Research; it was a longggg long day but so worthwhile and loads of fun.

I got some Kit Kat Chunky X Biscoff miniatures imported from Dubai, which was a winner, and wrote some great things as part of my creative writing group. I had a girls' night in with some blogging friends at Urbanista in Liverpool, which was fantastic (blog post coming soon) and started posting my Vienna content on this little blog of mine. I experienced my first Bongo's Bingo, and loved it, and we booked our next holiday: Zadar in Croatia, if anyone has any tips!

So, mostly, it's been a great month - I've done and experienced some fantastic things. But I also lost my biggest freelance client due to a reshuffle within their company, and had to have a barium meal scan to test for Crohn's (still waiting on the results...) so it's been fairly up and down. I'm staying positive though, and generally things are pretty good. You can find me at for all your content writing and social media management needs!

So that's that on February. Tell me about your month!!!!


  1. Seems like you had a fun-filled month! I wish I could go on a girl's night out with my high school buddies, but we all live so far from each other! Wishing you a more fantastic March!

  2. Wow. You sure had a full month with lots of nice experiences. It makes me happy that you were able to raise that much money for donation to Brain Tumour Research. That is one accomplishment you can be proud of!

  3. You;ve had such a full month! It all looks so exciting x

    Joyce |

  4. Sounds like you've had a great month! Here's to a fab March x

  5. Ah Feb looked like such a good month for you! Can't wait to see what you get up to in March xx

  6. Fun filled month mostly! That looks like so much fun!

  7. Looks like you've had a great February! x

  8. HEART SHAPED CRUMPETS wowowo sounds like you had a great February!

  9. Sorry about losing your big client, hopefully you get another one! xx

    Gemma Louise

  10. I hope your test results came back ok! It sounds like a busy month that's for sure.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

  11. Sorry to hear about your freelance client - and I hope that your scan results are/were okay! But in general it looks like February was a busy, exciting month. How you manage to fit so much into your schedule is amazing!
