Sunday, 26 January 2020

My 2020 TBR list: part one

Last year, I almost hit my target of 50 books - I shared them all on Twitter and also in blog posts throughout the year. And in 2020, I've set myself the same target. Fingers crossed I hit it this year; I'm 4 books in so far, which is pretty good going, and here are the rest of the books I plan on reading over the next few months. I'm sure I'll get my hands on some new releases too, so keep your eyes peeled for them on my Instagram.

YA books to read in 2020

Just before Christmas I ordered three Holly Bourne novels. One of them I've already flown through (see here) but the other two are on my 2020 TBR list. These are How Hard Can Love Be? and Are we All Lemmings & Snowflakes? I love a bit of YA so if you have any particular recommendations for me to add to this section, please let me know!

Thrillers to read in 2020

My main favourite book genre is a good old psychological thriller. So it's safe to say I'll likely be reading a lot of them in 2020. Here's the ones on my TBR list so far...

The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell (big fan of her books)
All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda (have heard such good things)
Killing Kate by Alex Lake (this sounds twisted)
An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena (finally picked this up!!!)
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin (I got this for Christmas and it's so up my street)
The Holiday by T. M. Logan (really looking forward to this)
Magpie by Sophie Draper (this looks so creepy)

Other books to read in 2020

I have a couple of other books that don't fit into either of those categories. Two by Jodi Picoult, who I love: A Spark of Light and Sing You Home. Both look amazing and I'm obsessed with her writing. I picked up Crocodile Soup by the late Julia Darling from the hotel library in Spain last summer - it came out in 1998 so it's nowhere near new, but books don't have a sell by date so I can't wait to read this. Last but not least, Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland. I love his books (and have reviewed them on the blog previously), and can't wait to read this one!

Please send me any and all book recommendations because I am determined to hit 50 books this year! Reviews to come as and when...


  1. I will definitely look these up to see if there's anything that catches my interest! Thanks for sharing x

  2. I need to start reading more this year! Love your recommendations! x

    Maiya |

  3. I have a Lisa Jewell book to read on my shelf and can't wait! x


  4. I haven't read anything by Jodi Picoult in ages, I think I'll put her as one of the authors to check out again in 2020.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

  5. I need to read more this year - definite goal of mine!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  6. I've already read three books this year and I am so so so happy about it!

  7. I have The Holiday on mine too, also picked up The Hunting Party recently which is meant to be a good'un xx

  8. I'm going to save this post as I really want to get back into reading this year!

    Gemma Louise

  9. I've actually not read any of these, and seeing as I've set myself the (ridiculous) goal of reading 100 books this year, I am definitely going to check them out and hopefully get some on my TBR! I'm also a big fan of psychological thrillers so your list is extremely helpful, haha! x
