Friday, 9 August 2019

Five recent reads

So, in July I acquired a lot of books. However, I didn't read a lot of books - so there was no 'recent reads' post in July. Maybe I'll squeeze in two this month. Who knows?! But regardless, here's my five recent reads...

I read Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann and absolutely loved it - it's set in America after the end of world war two, about a pair of cousins drifting apart and growing up but still visiting their childhood holiday home over the years with their own families. A lot of the story takes place at Tiger House; love, mystery, parties, adolescence and a whole lot of drama. I genuinely loved it; the plot was intense but the themes are brilliant and it's such a good read. BUY HERE

My best friend Holly and I realised that we'd never read each other's favourite books so she leant me a copy of Black Dogs by Ian McEwan. At first I couldn't get into it and I was worried I'd hate it and Holly would disown me but in the end, I really enjoyed it. It's told from the perspective of a man who's writing his parents-in-law's memoirs. It follows their journey through early marriage in the aftermath of the Nazi era and their involvement in the Communist party, and how the fall of the Berlin Wall affected so much. The characters are so deeply written, and the scenery so beautifully described, and it's truly a fantastic book. BUY HERE

two books on a wooden paddle, on top of a grey blanket. the books are the weighing of the heart by paul tudor owen and the paper & hearts society by lucy powrie.

I finally read The Paper & Hearts Society* by Lucy Powrie and honestly, I just hope I never ever get to a stage in my life where I don't read YA any more. I absolutely adored this book; the characters are lovely, there's amazing representation, the plot has just the right amount of tension and drama and emotion. It's a beautiful story and I feel SO proud of Lucy, even though I don't know her. Such a massive achievement and if you're a YA fan, I urge you to read this. BUY HERE

The fourth book in today's post is, coincidentally, Four* by Andy Jones. It's about a group of four pals who get themselves into a bit of a pickle, and it follows all of their lives as the situation unfolds. Genuinely, a complete rollercoaster but in a good way. I loved it, and I'd definitely recommend it. BUY HERE

Last but not least is The Weighing of the Heart* by Paul Tudor Owen. It's about an English guy in New York City, an artist with an obsession with Ancient Egyptian art and mythology, and about his life in the art world. Everything is touched by some sort of magic, and I really loved this book. The characters were fascinating, and the plot was tense from beginning to end. Another one I'd wholeheartedly recommend! BUY HERE

Hope you enjoyed catching up on what I've been reading recently - let me know if you have any book recommendations, please!

For more of my recent reads, CLICK HERE


  1. I really need to read more, I just find it so hard to find the time. I like the sound of the weighing of the heart xx

    Megan Elizabeth

  2. Ooooo that sounds good, I so miss Reading :(

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  3. I can't wait to read the paper hearts society! x

  4. Gonna add these ones to my reading list! Xx

  5. Four sounds like a book that I would get into and enjoy x

  6. You have got through some nice sounding reads here, I am stuck reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman and it is quite hard going, it started off fantastic but now I have hit a bit of a wall with it.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

  7. I'm stuck in a really slow starter of a book and can't face leaving it unfinished! Am I the only one like this!?

  8. I've just finished my last book so I was looking for recommendations - thank you x

  9. I'll remember to pick up a copy of The Paper & Hearts Society after I'm finished Mythos by Stephen Fry. It's taking me ages to get through it!
