Thursday, 2 May 2019

Six recent reads | may19

Confession time: I just completely forgot to do a five recent reads post last month even though I did have five books to talk about - so I'm just going to cram all the books I've read since my last five recent reads post into this one and make it a six recent reads. No need for a longer intro, is there? Let's go.

First up is The Other Couple by Sarah J Naughton which was alright, my kind of book but not one of the best I've ever read although the twist is excellent. It follows a couple on their luxury honeymoon which obviously all goes wrong and turns into an absolute nightmare... BUY HERE

Next was The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder and hand on heart I loved this book so much - it is pure YA goodness at it's best, following the story of a girl's first love through the documentation of items that she's accumulated throughout the relationship: books, chocolate bar wrappers, silly tokens of appreciation. It's a beautiful story and I would urge you all to read it if you want something utterly lovely that you can read in a day or so! BUY HERE

The Little Breton Bistro by Nina George was absolutely not my cup of tea, but that's not to say it wasn't a good book. I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to reading and opt for something other than a psychological thriller, and it just didn't work for me this time around. I think it might be better for a slightly older audience! It's about a woman who escapes her dick of a husband and ends up running away to Brittany and working in a bistro and all sorts of things happen which are weird and lovely and interesting. But all in all, I didn't love it... BUY HERE

The next book I read was The Party by Robyn Harding, about a 16th birthday slumber party that goes wrong and ends up being a catalyst to a nightmare year for one family. It's a good story, I just found it kind of slow to get going personally. I did enjoy it, though, and I would recommend! BUY HERE

Stronger, Faster and More Beautiful* by Arwen Elys Dayton, which is a sci-fi book, is probably one of the best books I've ever read ever in my life ever. I loved every single page; it's about human body modifications (both medical and aesthetic) over the course of years and years into the future, and the stories are so vastly different but all SO clever and all intrinsically linked by this one small detail. It's such a brilliant book and I've already started lending my copy out. BUY HERE

I really enjoyed The Making of Us by Lisa Jewell, which I salvaged (stole) from my gran as she was already on her second read-through of it. It's a gorgeous story about three young people who's lives are completely unconnected save for one thing which eventually brings them together. I absolutely loved it, as I do all her books, so if you're looking for something that'll last you during a holiday or whatever then this could be the one! BUY HERE

There you have it, six recent reads from me. I did really try to switch up the genres and I think I did a decent job of it. As always, book recommendations appreciated...

Check out some of my other recent reads HERE

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