Friday, 12 July 2019

An old-school Lush haul

It's been a long long time since I posted any kind of haul; feels like the old school blogging days are making a return, which is quite nice actually. Anyway, my mum and P both got me some Lush bits for my birthday so I thought I'd do a little haul post and show you the new bits in my collection. It fits in well with plastic free July, too, as I know we're all keen to do our bit and use less plastic. Here we go...

Lush bath and shower products

I absolutely love the bubble bars from Lush; they last for ages as you only need a tiny bit to create loads of bubbles, and every single one smells amazing. I got the Milky Bath bubble bar (I've previously reviewed it here) which I absolutely love, and the Creamy Candy bubble bar which is bright pink and smells SO sweet. I also got The Comforter (my all time favourite) and Brightside, which I've never actually had before. The last two are massive, and I'm just really well-stocked for bubble baths now!

lush bright side bubble bar on a blanket

pink lush bubble bar on a grey blanket

purple and white lush bubble bar on a grey blanket

white bottle shaped lush bubble bar on a grey blanket

I also got two bath bombs; P got me the 'Bath Art' gift set which contains the Dragon's Egg bath bomb and the Intergalactic bath bomb. Both smell amazing but also look really pretty in the bath (I've used them both before) - bath bombs are so special, and a tiny luxury in this big crazy world.

a white bath bomb and a blue bath bomb in a yellow cardboard box on a grey blanket

Something I've never tried or even heard of before, is the Not Sleepy Shower Bomb which turns into a cleansing foam when you run it under your shower water. It smells so fresh and zesty, and contains white rice to exfoliate with. Really interested to try it...

lush sleepy cloud shaped shower bomb in my hand again a grey blanket

Lush hair products

My mum knows I'm (slowly) trying to replace a lot of the plastic bottles in our bathroom products with a more sustainable option. I have a lot of shampoo and conditioner to get through, because I just have a big stockpile of the stuff, but once it runs out I'll be doing my best not to buy more. Lush are great in terms of solid shampoo bars, everyone knows that - but I didn't know they did solid conditioners!

She picked me up the American Cream Pressed Conditioner Bar (it's pink) and I'm so excited to try it. The reviews are great and it's the kind of thing I can easily travel with, too, especially on hand-luggage-only trips.

pink solid conditioner bar on a grey blanket

bright pink solid hair treatment on a grey blanket

She also did get me a shampoo, but it's not one of their shampoo bars; it's called Silica and again, it's pink. It smells amazing and it's meant to be the best one for dyed hair, which I have. It's kind of soft and squishy and I'm so looking forward to trying it! It's also a Liverpool store exclusive, which is fun.

Have you picked up any Lush products lately? Let me know! If you're taking part in plastic free July or just generally trying to lesser your impact on the planet, your beauty purchases are a good place to start.

For my favourite ever Lush products, CLICK HERE


  1. I haven't been to Lush for ages and now I want to go! x

  2. I haven't visited Lush in months! My 'local' branch is still miles away. The Comforter is my old favourite of mine.

    Roxie |

  3. I'm wayyyy overdue a lush splurge, I feel like they're quite pricey these days but everything is so lovely!!

    Gemma Louise

  4. Oooh the sleepy one sounds right up my street! Thank you for sharing x

  5. You cannot go wrong with a good old Lush haul! I've put myself on a buying ban until I've used up what I've got - but I'll definitely be adding some of these to my wishlist ;)

  6. Oh gosh, the Comforter Bubble Bar is a blast from the past, I used to adore that one so much.

    Amy x
    The July Rose

  7. The bubble bars are my favourite, especially brightside and comforter. I've made sure I'm stocked up for the next few months x

    Lauren | By Lauren May

  8. The Comforter is my favourite too!
    Fran - xx
