Tuesday, 21 May 2019

My skincare bucket list

I wasn't sure what to title this post, because 'All the skincare products I haven't tried yet but really do want to try' seems a little bit long winded - so here's a skincare bucket list, a bit of a wishlist for my skin. If you've tried any of these products please let me know what they're like!

Firstly is the PinkSalt Cleansing Oil from Pixi - I've tried a lot of Pixi skincare products and very rarely been let down, and I also love pink salt in general so I think this cleanser will be perfect. Cleansing oils can be a bit messy sometimes but I definitely want to give this one a try - it's £24 so slightly expensive but I can tell a little would go a looooong way! Also in terms of cleansers is the Drunk Elephant Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser which comes with a little spoon and a little bottle of 'Bamboo Booster' which you can mix with the cleanser itself to make an exfoliator, if you're using it for a morning cleanse. Anyway, I've never tried anything from Drunk Elephant because apparently it's dead expensive, but this is actually under £30 which isn't THAT expensive for a high-end cleanser.

A mask I really want to try is from the Revolution X Jake Jamie collection: the Cocoa & Oat Moisturising Face Mask. It's exfoliating as well as moisturising, and comes in a little glass jar so it's better for the environment than a single use packet. It's also vegan & cruelty-free, and costs only £8 so it's a real bargain. There's another face mask in the Jake Jamie collab, and then a further 4 masks from Revolution - I'm hoping to try them all at some point, but this is top of my list!

Yes To are a brand that I've not tried many products from, but I've got a couple of shampoos from there that I'll be trialling soon so watch this space. However, their Grapefruit Pore Perfection Night Treatment is something that's high on my radar: it brightens skin and diminishes the appearance of pores. I have really big/obvious pores and while I know it's only natural, they're just a bit annoying! This is £13, which I think is probably a decent price. Last but not least is the Egg Mellow Cream from Too Cool For School, which is a moisturiser but also a sleep mask, an eye cream, a primer & a serum! Absolutely bonkers. It's £27 so not cheap but K-Beauty usually isn't, and this just looks like such a GOOD product.

So there's my current skincare bucket list - what's on your's?

Want some budget skincare recommendations? CLICK HERE


  1. Ooh the Egg Mellow Cream is right up my street. There's a few things from that particular brand that I'd love to try x

    Lauren | www.bylaurenmay.com

  2. I've not tried any of these, but I adore the YesTo brand - especially their cucumber range. I'd be interested to try any new K beauty products - I love them so much. Not sure where your based but just in case you're ever passing, there's actually a K Beauty store in London in China Town ; its a dream come true as they have pretty much every K Beauty product you could ever want!

  3. There are quite a few Drunk Elephant products on my wish list at the moment, particularly the eye cream.


  4. I need to try all these brands! I've been wanting to try the revolution skincare line x

    Joyce | www.joycelauofficial.com

  5. The drunk elephant cleanser sounds dreamy doesn't it, I've still not tried anything from the brand so I may put this on my wish list too! x

    Gemma Louise

  6. I definitely want to try some bits from Drunk Elephant! They seem like such a nice brand, just so expensive! Xx

    Lauren | laurenjcole.wordpress.com
