Monday, 23 October 2017

#CarnLIVal: why we do it

We're in the midst of planning the next #CarnLIVal event- I'm also working loads, trying to keep up with my own blog, Sam's at uni and Samm, our latest recruit, has started a new job too. There's emails to send, a venue to decide on, presents to wrap, parcels to collect and spreadsheets to colour code. Sometimes, when it's late and my thumbs are about to fall off because I've spent so long typing out emails trying to get my hands on some raffle prizes, I think 'why the hell do we do this?' So, without further ado, here's why.

Blogging can be a lonely hobby; although there is a strong online community, it's something you do from your bedroom or office, something that's all yours and all you. Group chats and twitter hashtags bring us together, but there's nothing better than being in a room full of people who have the same hobby as you - swapping tips, networking, taking selfies. It's nice to be able to meet up with our blogging pals, and life is so hectic that it can sometimes take an organised event to get us all together!

One thing that's true about blogging, especially beauty blogging, is that is can be very consumeristic and materialistic - these aren't necessarily negative aspects of it, but constant PR packages and product purchases can all seem a bit much and sometimes a bit wasteful. One thing that #CarnLIVal aims to do, and does do, is give back to the community both locally and further afield. We've always donated to charity, and recently we've started collecting product donations for local shelters - this time our event is Christmas themed, so we've challenged our attendees to bring Christmas shoeboxes with them. We'll be too late for the official shoebox appeal, but we want them to fill their boxes with essentials and nice bits to give to those in need in Liverpool so that more people can have a wonderful Christmas.

#CarnLIVal also gives us a way of promoting small/indie brands that we love, if they're willing to get involved - small businesses are something we love to support, and by featuring them in our goody bags and raffle we get to show them off to our bloggers, and our bloggers get to show them off to their followers. Small brands we've supported in the past include Pip and NutMary Jean, Georgia Lee Candles and more!

Last but not least, #CarnLIVal is a celebration - of Liverpool, of blogging, of making something from literally nothing. All of our blogs came from zero, and also the event itself is organised from our bedroom with no budget; seeing it come to life is incredibly special and as stressful as it always is, I know I wouldn't change it for the world.

Our next #CarnLIVal is in December, and we'll be supporting some Repeal The 8th charities. If you want to donate, or want to make a shoebox for us to give out, get in touch!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Carnlival event when I went and hopefully can make it to future ones. I've never felt more welcome within the blogging community (and I am not even from Liverpool), you and Sam are doing a great job! :) xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal
