Monday, 15 May 2017

ARK Skin Protector Primer // Review

If you're not a blogger, you might not know - but mine and Sam's latest venture is a monthly box for bloggers. Our first box actually goes out today, which is SO exciting, and we had some leftover bits so we're reviewing them ourselves. The first is the Skin Protector SPF 30 Primer* from ARK, which retails for £36.

First off, I love the packaging - it just feels clean and clinical to me, although it is quite big despite only being 30ml, the average size for primers and foundations etc. It's got a lovely scent to it, something I can't quite place, and it comes out white like a moisturiser. It goes a tiny bit tacky, but other than that it really is quite similar to a moisturiser. I like the SPF element, though, because I'm useless when it comes to remembering to apply it so it's always handy to have it in your skincare and make up products.

So does this stuff help my make up look better? It does, really - everything looks a bit smoother and nicer, so it gets an initial thumbs up from me. Does it keep my make up on longer? Sadly, not really. While it's definitely not coming off after a mere 10 mins, it doesn't last all day like it can with some primers, and I definitely wouldn't rely on it for a busy pub shift!

I would recommend this stuff if you can get a sample of it; it's expensive, as primers go, but it might work wonders if your skin isn't as dry as mine.

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