Friday, 15 July 2016

DHC Superhero Eye Rescue // Review

DHC are a Japanese skincare brand, and they're one that I've tried a fair few things from - so when their Superhero Eye Rescue pack came through my door, I couldn't wait to get stuck in. The pack comes with 6 pairs of masks, and you're supposed to use them 1-2 times per week; this means the pack will last you 3-6 weeks depending on your preference. At £15 for the pack... well, you decide if you think it's worth it!

I cleansed and moisturised my face, then whacked the masks onto my eyes. They are the perfect shape, but a little too big so they're not particularly comfortable - nevertheless, I love the idea of this sort of mask because it's so fuss-free. I left them on for around 7 minutes (the recommended time is 10) because honestly, they were stinging. It wasn't unbearable, but it was uncomfortable.

 When you remove the masks, you massage the remainder of the cream into the eye area - I liked that bit, because it's not often that I remember to actually use eye cream so it was nice to spend time looking after an area I don't usually pay much attention to. After that it felt tacky for a minute or so, and then soft, sooooo soft.

All in all, I like these eye masks - but I don't think they're something I'd spend money on time and time again. They've not done much in terms of brightening the area or getting rid of bags, and the stinging was vaguely off-putting.

What have you tried from DHC?

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