Tuesday, 2 February 2016

IKEA Wishlist

As you probably know, I'm moving into a nice new flat in September - it's white and clean and not a falling-apart student house like I've been used to the past few years. Best of all, it will be mine and Sam's, just the two of us, just our's. We'll be taking a trip to IKEA nearer the time (more than one, I imagine) but for now, here's what I want from there...

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

Okay, okay, I'm a blogger - of course I need a rose gold lamp! This one's a steal, and it's so dainty that it won't take up a lot of room on the desk or bedside table. I'm in love with it. I'm a sucker for storage, and this grey hanging storage would be perfect to hang on the back of the bathroom door. Being bloggers, we both have surplus amounts of shampoo/cleanser/fancy shower gel, so keeping it somewhere like this would be a genius idea, I reckon.

I want glass jars with lids for everything - pasta, sugar, make up brushes. These are less than two quid each and I'd love to have loads of them so everything is a bit matchy-matchy. As the flat is mostly white, pops of colour will be much needed, and this orange rug is to die for and it's not that expensive either. I think it would look fab slap bang in the middle of the flat.

Desk accessories - we use pots to store literally all sorts from pens to spare change to lighters for the copious amounts of candles we seem to have amassed. These are gloriously patterned and just adorable. Last but not least - a bin. Obviously we'll have a kitchen bin but this galvanised bin with lid is quite chic, as bins go. It's pretty expensive for what it is, but it would be a great waste paper basket kind of thing.

I did an IKEA haul a few months ago, so expect another one when Sam and I move into the new flat!

Spotted any must-haves in IKEA lately? Please tell me!


  1. I looooove the lamp and bin. WHO KNEW THEY COULD BE SO PRETTY? ahha seriously though that lamp is gorgeous - for £10??? Oh my daysssss. I've been thinking recently about ways I can better store my skincare so maybe the door hanger is the way to go. Thanks for the tip off! So exited for you both! :D
    Hannah xx

  2. Okay i moust say your Ikea wish list is way shorter than mine. We won't move to a bigger place for at least two years and I'm already looking at new furniture.
    But what I want the most right now are their scented candles in grey and whithe because they smell so nice. And some big glas jars to fill with my photo props./love Ida


  3. These are so cute! Josh and I are moving out together soon too and I want to drag him to Ikea for some home bits (much to his disdain).

    | princessparasox.wordpress.com | bloglovin' |

  4. Ahhh IKEA is my favourite place to buy homey bits from !! That lamp!! It's absolutely stunning .. And cannot believe it is only a tenner!!! Fab Wishlist lovely!
