Friday, 13 November 2015

What to buy for the man who's hard to buy for

Men are notoriously hard to buy for, and that's definitely true from my experience. I've found some fabulous gifts that you could buy your dad, brother, other half - or maybe any of the women in your life that are more masculine or enjoy these kind of things. Screw gender roles, and all.

There's a site called Mankind who specialise in bloke-y stuff, some of which is skincare related - the men in my life are rubbish at looking after their skin and I'm constantly nagging them to change this! They kindly sent over some bits and bobs that I'm passing on to my dad/brother/umcle/Sam's brother... Bulldog Original Body Lotion, which smells pretty nothing-y but nice all the same; MOJO Hair Styling Cream, which is packaged all fancy in matte black and gold (ooooh); Scaramouche & Fandango - which I love the name of - Body Wash, a typically manly scent and a decent sized tube; and finally some Beard Lube from Jack Black, who I always hear being mentioned by American YouTubers. This smells fresh and minty and lovely. click here

mankind christmas gifts

If you really can't get the men in your life to step up their skincare game, just get them drunk instead - these Kilner jar shot glasses from DrinkStuff are sooooo cute. Quirky, and pretty big as shot glasses go. Alcohol is, for my family, an imperative part of Christmas and these are such a fab addition to our country-esque kcitchen. They'd look fab lined up on the shelf in any kitchen though, I think! They retail at £3.99 for 4 which is pretty good going, IMO. Update: my housemates and I used these on Halloween and they were just delightful - the alcohol of choice, however, was not. click here 

kilner jar shot glasses with lids

When you're struggling for Christmas present ideas, cheesy Christmas clothing is probably almost definitely the way you should go - both Jolly Clothing have a fab range of clothes. They stock t-shirts which start at £12.99 and they're not too outrageous, but if you do want to go all out keep your eyes peeled for another cheesy Christmas knitwear brand in one of my upcoming gift guides! My t-shirt from Jolly Clothing is so soft and lovely, and I plan on wearing it with leggings on lazy days (every day, then...) They do a whole load of designs for men/women/kids, too! click here

Chroma Stationery are a brand I see a lot in the blog world - they do lovely personalised notebooks, and now they do personalised pens too! Of course, my notebook is pink (duh) but you can get a whole range of colours, style, fonts etc etc etc etc. I'm getting my brother one, because he plans to write a book one day and I think he'll love ittttt. click here

chroma stationery pink notebook

A really lovely but not-too-pricey brand are Baylis and Harding. If you need a really nice looking gift for someone that you don't know all too well - your new father-in-law, perhaps, then I think their Skin Spa Noir weekend bag would be fab. The bag is a really nice quality, and the perfect size for a golf weekend or whatever it is "men" get up to these days. I know my dad will be aaalll over this bag for hotel trips with my mama, which they seem to do about once a month. It has bath crystals, shower gel, hair & body wash, body lotion and aftershave balm which all smell AMAZING. click here

baylis and harding mens gift set

If you've got any quirky fellas in your life, I think Animazombs would go down a storm - I have the octopus (named Edgar) and it's lungs come out of it's head. It's so soft and I think it would be perfect to jazz up an office, den or games room - they're around the twenty quid mark, which is pretty decent if you ask me. click here

If you have any other fab gift ideas of the masculine people in your life, let me know! Hope y'all are enjoying my gift guide posts, too. I'm getting so excited for Christmas!

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