Sunday, 15 November 2015

The A-Z of little ol' me

I saw this post - an old one of Sam's - floating around and decided to nab the idea, so y'all can get to know me a little bit better by use of the alphabet.

A - astronomy. Although I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, I love looking at the stars and thinking about how there's so much more out there than me, myself and I.

B - bees. I'm obsessed with bees; they're so cute and precious and integral to the planet/human race. We all ought to be doing our utmost to look after them, whether that's eating all the honey you can stomach or buying products made by the bees (like, sort of) from companies who donate money to the bee-saving charities. Do it!

C - cruises. I've been on three cruises in my lifetime, and I'm so incredible lucky to have done so. They're my favourite kind of holiday because every day you get to wake up in a new place and explore a new city. I've seen the pyramids at Giza, Camp Nou in Barcelona and the beautiful little place known as Villefranche-sur-mer which is coincidentally where I'd like to retire to.

City-lovin': Berlin

D - diving. I can SCUBA dive - I'm trained and qualified and all that jazz, although I rarely do it any more as it makes me incredibly nervous. I am obsessed with the beauty and depth and everything unknown with the seas and the oceans, though, and I've seen some amazing things. Once a turtle punched me in the face and knocked my mask off.

E - eczema. I've suffered for my whole life with eczema, and every time I think it's disappearing it comes back again. I've learnt to deal with it though, and it definitely sparked my interest in skincare!

F - family. I have a brother and two lovely lovely parents and a fabulous aunty & uncle, all of whom I love to death. We're all pretty hilarious and when we get together it's such a laffff.

G - girlfriend. In case you didn't know (in which case where have you been hiding?!) I have a girlfriend called Sam and she's the most incredibly perfect human I've ever met. She's endlessly supportive, gives me a massage whenever I want one and always does the dishes. She reads my uni work, brushes my hair and wears my socks. I'm so undeniably in love with her.

Sam in Spain this year

H - Hello Kitty. For someone who's twenty, I'm way too obsessed with Hello Kitty. I have plates and bunting and stuffed toys and everything in between.

I - ikea. There's nowhere I'd rather spend an evening than Ikea: meatballs, cheap candles and miniature rooms. Not to mention the bargains - I bought Sam her favourite type of whisk for 47p. Who knew you could have a favourite type of whisk?!

J - journalism. This is what I study at university, alongside creative writing. I've written about this in a bit more detail so I won't harp on, but I don't really like journalism. It's taught me a few skills and gave me the kick up the bum to start The Lilac Scrapbook, but that's about it.

K - Krakow. My favourite city in the world, and where I want to live when I'm all growed up. It's stunningly beautiful and everyone is so friendly, plus it's incredible to immersed in so much culture.


L - Llangollen. My grandad was the station master at Llangollen train station, and I used to love seeing him in the official station master hat, which now resides proudly on my wardrobe. I miss him more than anything every single day and I desperately hope I'm doing him proud.

M - Missy Higgins. My all time favourite singer, and someone who (unknowingly) got me through a lot of my teenage years - my best friend moving to the other side of the world, my grandad's death and my coming to terms with my sexuality.

N - netflix (and chill). When Sam and I were first "seeing each other" if you will, all we used to do was watch documentaries on Netflix while eating pizza. I'll be honest, not much has changed.

O - oil. Of the coconut variety, that is. I'm obsessed with it - I use it to take my make up off, to cook chicken with and to turn my hair into silk. It's one of those all round products. Skin a mess? Coconut oil. Run out of Fry-Lite? Coconut oil. Boyfriend cheated on you? Coconut oil.

P - pantomime. When I was younger, I danced in a pantomime every year with my local amateur dramatic society. One year I even acted, as a talking dog that did cartwheels.

My brother and I in panto

Q - quizzes. I love doing the pub quiz, although I'm rubbish at it, and I have about seven different trivia apps on my phone. Expanding my knowledge, kids.

R - ruby. This is my birthstone, and I've never had anything with a real ruby in it as they're so expensive. That's the goal, though - that or a Tiffany necklace. *prinny emoji*

S - shih tzu. I have a gorgeous little doggy, and she's a shih tzu and she's nearly nine. She loves chicken, Olaf and watching football but she hates dressing up and going out for walks.

T - tattoos. I love love love tattoos. I have a rose on my foot, the words 'Curiosity' and 'Knowledge' as a pair, (one on each arm), a giant moth on my ribs, a bee (duh) on my shin and a little moon behind my ear. I want loads more.

U - underwear. I'm obsessed with buying gorgeous lacy bras and comfy cartoon knickers. They couldn't match less, but I don't care because I always feel damn good in my underwear.

V - vegetarian. I used to be veggie, for a fair few years, and only started eating meat again for health reasons. Sometimes I'm tempted to go veggie again, but I'd missed BBQ pulled pork too much.

W - world war two. I'm utterly obsessed with learning about the second world war, and always seem to end up writing creative pieces that stem from this - my dissertation is set in Nazi Germany and closely follows the life of Eva Braun.

X - xylophone. I couldn't think of anything for this letter, and I didn't used to play the xylophone although I did used to play the Alto Saxophone - but I was so tiny that I had to wear a full upper-body harness just to hold it, and I never really had the lung capacity for it. I could just about play the Jaws theme tune.

Y - yawning. I'm literally always yawning, always tired, nearly always sleeping. It just is.

Z - zits. Gross, I know, but I've always got spots. What can you do, eh?

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better, gang!

Want to know my menstrual cup experience? 'course you do


  1. What a cool idea for a blog post! This made me chuckle - who knew you felt so strongly about coconut oil, eh?

    Lyndsey |

  2. So nice to get to know more about the writer aka you!
    Charlotte //
