Saturday, 3 October 2015

Nanokeratin system // Review

My hair is my pride and joy - I'm a Pro:Voke VIB, so most of the time that's what I use as it keeps my blonde in check and it doesn't break the bank. But when the people over at Nanokeratin contacted me to ask if there was anything I wanted to try, I thought it might be worth a go.

They kindly sent over the Refining Shampoo* and Refining Mask* from the REjuvenate collection which made me really excited - my hair is long and bleached, so it needs all the help it can get, if I'm honest. The shampoo retails for around £20 and the mask for around £60, so they're pretty pricey. They claim to reduce blow-drying time by around 80% which is a massive claim, and they contain good stuff like collagen and silk. But do they work?

Well, they have that old-people-salon type of scent which is vaguely off putting, but I used them anyway (duh) - and here's the verdict... You need quite a bit of shampoo; one of the little sachets wasn't quite enough to wash all my hair, but it did the top bits quite nicely. As shampoos go it's a bit
bog-standard really, my hair was left clean and pretty shiny but it's nothing ground breaking especially for the price. I have to say, my hair didn't go greasy as quickly as it usually does so that's a definite bonus.

I have to say, I love the mask; it has the same smell, but if I was rich I'd be repurchasing it like nobody's business - it left my hair soooo soft and for once I could get a brush through it easily. I really wish it wasn't so expensive because I'd be slapping it all over my head as often as I could. My bleached hair was left all silky and nice, so I was thrilled.

Have you tried any of the Nanokeratin System ranges? 

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