Monday, 3 June 2024

AD | Making our house baby-friendly with Rex London

As you may or may not know, I'm an aunty - I have a niece and nephew, and of course I'm also Aunty Katy to some of my friends' kids which is lovely lovely lovely. But being childless (by choice) myself, I often find that our house just isn't particularly baby/kid-friendly. That's all about to change, though! I've got some bits and bobs from the wonderful team over at Rex London to share with you, so without further ado here's what I'm adding to our home to make it a bit more baby-friendly!

When my mum has my niece during the week, she sometimes brings her round - and let me tell you, this child LOVES her food. The issue is that we simply don't have any bowls, spoons and so on that are quite 100% suitable for babies. Luckily, Rex London stock some in really cute designs. I opted to pick up some bits from their Cookie the Cat range: a melamine bowl and spoon, as well as a beaker and snack pot. The pink is so lovely, and the cat design is adorable, and they're really good quality. I'm hoping she loves them when she tries them out. The four pieces come to £13.80 all in, which I don't think is a bad price at all for a little set she can use when she's here.

Alongside this, we were seriously lacking in the toy department; I have a few kids books, but she doesn't always want to be read to and prefers getting involved - but then again, I didn't want anything too garish! I picked out a gorgeous wooden puzzle featuring a tiger, elephant, crocodile and lion. Again it's fantastic quality and vibrant while remaining stylish, and puzzles are great for little hands. I know this is something she'll get some joy out of when she visits, and it's not too big meaning we can store it away nicely.

And of course, I couldn't leave my nephew out! He's a teenager now, but he still loves having fun with his favourite aunty. I got us a 'make your own spring motor-powered racing car' that we can do when he stays over, and I'm very excited to put this together. It's something a bit different to just watching a film, as we usually do, and it was under a tenner which I think is perfect. It would make a great gift idea if you have any kids' birthdays coming up. Along the same lines is a little Spy Eye - a secret agent-style spyglass that allows you to see around corners. It's a wonderful little addition to a present, especially if you're shopping on a budget as it's under £2!

Last but not least, I also got my hands on a make your own dog treats kit; I don't have a dog (yet...) but my niece and nephew do, as do my parents, so I think this would be another really fun activity to do with my nephew. It comes with five recipes and some cutters, as well as a storage bag, and they look really simple to make. I'm definitely looking forward to doing this together on a rainy day, which seem to be all too frequent right now.

Rex London are fantastic for cute kids products and homeware - they stock everything from toys to cutlery and fridge magnets to bamboo toothbrushes. Everything is fantastic quality, and really stylish - nothing is cheap/tacky looking, and if you're looking for kid-friendly additions to your home that won't disrupt your vibe then it's definitely worth a look!

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