Monday, 20 February 2023

6 recent reads | February 2023

I thought I might end up reading less in February but so far, so good - some of these I actually read at the end of January, but I never end up sharing these 'recent reads' posts at a logical time so forgive me. With that being said, here are my 6 recent reads and what I thought of them!

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

I won't say too much about this but if you want to know more of what I thought, check out my 12 books recommendations in 12 months blog post where I'm reading one book a month specifically recommended by a friend or fellow blogger. For now, I'll just say I thought this book was very average and the sex scenes were very in your face... If that's your thing, get it here.

The Call by P. D. Viner

This might be one of the slowest-paced books I've ever read which, given the subject matter, is so bizarre. A guy gets a call from his wife who (spoiler alert) has killed someone - with sort of seemingly good reason... He goes to help pick up the pieces, they argue a lot, it turns out there's a lot more to it than we first thought blah blah. There's a big *thing* which happens towards the very end which turns everything on its head and the last couple of chapters are really good - I just wish it was like that throughout! It's HERE if you want to read it...

June, Reimagined by Rebekah Crane

Yet another Rebekah Crane book, of course - she's easily become one of my favourite YA authors. This story was about June, who runs away from her American hometown to a little place in Scotland where she nearly dies, falls in love, discovers all sorts of new traditions and tries to forget the past she is so desperate to outrun. But your past has a way of following you, doesn't it, and everything gets a bit messed up when her best friend from back home turns up at the inn June is staying at. I loved this book; I was worried it would be similar to The Upside of Falling Down, another of RB's books about an American girl who winds up in Ireland, but the stories were definitely different in a lot of ways. I'd highly recommend this one.

Something Wilder by Christina Lauren

Confession time - this has taken me *months* to read. I don't know why because it's a cracking story, it's just one that I could never fully get into. That being said I love Christina Lauren's writing, and this is a tale of adventure, lust, grief, loss, letting go and coming full circle. It's got some really interesting characters, some not-too-OTT sex scenes, and it involves a treasure hunt. I'd definitely recommend it! Buy it here.

A Family Affair by Harper Bliss

I absolutely loved this - it's about an aspiring actress on the cusp of her big break, still living at home, and her sister-in-law who is reeling from years of infertility. Somehow they end up falling in LOVE and obviously that comes with a lot of difficulty being that one is literally married to the other one's brother... It's a gorgeous story that made me laugh and cry, and if you want some sapphic romance with added drama in your life then definitely pick this one up.

The Love We Make by Harper Bliss

This is kind-of a follow on from the previous book, in that in features some of the same characters a couple of years on from the end of the previous book - but it's about a famous actress in her fifties (so she's in a show with the actress from A Family Affair) who is a bit of a social recluse. She has a really solid friendship group, all of them sort of 'outcasts' from their families, and then she meets thew new CEO of the production company for the show she's in and it pretty much throws her whole life upside down... This is another sapphic romance, but about an older-ish couple which is something I feel like you don't see a lot. I loved this! Read it here.

Have you read any of these books? Or are you adding any of them to your TBR? Let me know!

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