Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Get £20 FREE with Chase!

Who doesn't love free money?! With the costing of living crisis looming/getting worse by the day, every little helps - so when free money offers come along I always do them and put that money away in my savings or towards something specific. The latest free money offer is with Chase, a banking app, and I did it this morning to test it out before sharing it here...

How to get £20 for free with Chase

The whole thing was super straightforward. Download the app through the link below, and follow the step by step instructions to sign up. They ask for your regular details e.g name, address, DOB and type of employment; you need photo ID to sign up, which you'll be required to take a snap of followed by a selfie to check they match. Then you also need to verify your email address and within a couple of minutes, you'll be accepted as a customer and you're good to go.

When you sign up through the link below, you are being referred be a friend. It should say this when you sign up but if it doesn't, you can go to the 'rewards' section of the app and paste this code in instead: tfWjScr2 - then you'll be logged as a referral. Deposit £20 into your Chase account via bank transfer from whatever other bank account you have, and it'll arrive there instantly - as will your added £20 reward, which is what they give you for signing up!

You'll now have £20 in your account and £20 in your rewards section. You can withdraw the full £40 instantly and voila, you've made a FREE twenty quid in no time at all just by signing up to an app. What a time to be alive. You can then share your code with your own friends and get them to sign up, which will give you an extra £20 again. And so on and so forth.

It really is as simple as that - and Chase actually have one of the best interest rates available right now at 1.5% which is a complete winner if you're looking for somewhere to store your savings.

Other free money offers

If you haven't already, you can get a FREE £15 in reward points - available to spend anywhere - when you sign up to Zilch through somebody's link. Mine is

I would also *highly* recommend signing up to cashback sites. It's a slow burn, but over the year if you're consistently earning money back on your online shopping you're going to end up with a decent little chunk of money along the line. You'll get a £5 bonus when signing up to Quidco too! My other favourite cashback site is TopCashback; both have browser extensions you can install for easy use.

There you go - an easy way to earn a FREE £20 today from the comfort of your own home, for doing absolutely nothing. Mine will be going straight into my house savings fund!


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