Sunday, 11 April 2021

What I've read in 2021 so far

I can't *quite* believe we're a quarter of the way through 2021 and I've only read six books - compared to last year, this is set to be a very slow reading year for me. It's mostly because I'm so busy with work, but also because I'm in a bit of a reading slump. Nevertheless, I thought it might be worth sharing the six books I have managed to read so far in 2021...

Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce

This is a thriller that I picked up from The Works, and one that I've always seen people rave about. I didn't guess the twist but other than that I thought it was a bit 'meh' - very slow, to be honest, and it took me a while to get through it. Like I say, a lot of people love it; it's about a young lawyer who has a troubled personal life. There's murder, blackmail, family drama... it has all the right ingredients, I just think the finished product is an acquired taste. Buy Blood Orange here.

The Summer Job by Lizzy Dent

I got my hands on a proof copy of this (thanks, Penguin!) and I wasn't sure I'd love it but I absolutely did. It's about a young woman called Birdy who, for *reasons*, ends up in Scotland masquerading as a sommelier. It's got romance, fun, scenery, fall-outs, wine and so much more. I'd highly recommend reading this when it comes out in April! Pre-order The Summer Job here.

The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth

I got this for Christmas, and you know I love a YA book so I flew through this one. It's about Saoirse and Ruby who decide to creating their own "falling in love montage" like in the movies, but without the actual love part. It's a gorgeous LGBT+ coming of age novel and I adored everything about it - representation aside, it's funny and handles some really sensitive topics really delicately. A yes from me! Buy The Falling in Love Montage here.

The American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Again this one took me forever to read, but it's absolutely not a reflection of this stunning novel. Roy, a black man, is in prison for something he didn't do - and his wife Celeste is trying to navigate the world without him. There is so much passion, emotion and raw feeling woven into this story and I ached for them both throughout. It's a very poignant story and one I would definitely recommend. Buy The American Marriage here.

Nailing It by Anna Jefferson

I was part of the blog tour for this so had a proof copy before it was released - it is out now, and you should definitely read it especially if you have kids. I don't and still loved it, though, so realistically I'd recommend it to anyone! It's just an all-round fun book about raising little ones in different circumstances, and the power of female friendship. Buy Nailing It here.

The Festival by S J Naughton

Speaking of female friendship, this is another book that focuses on a group of women; it follows Orly, Thea, Lenny and Mel to a festival in their hometown. They've been friends since school and now they've all gone off in their own directions, with kids/jobs/rich husbands/loss/poverty under their belt. They reunite for a weekend at this festival and it all goes wrong, getting really dangerous. There is a breathtaking twist in this book and I read it in a day - if you love a bit of a thriller, read this! Pre-order the paperback version here.

What have you read so far this year - and have you read any of these?

1 comment:

  1. I've also read The Summer Job and The Falling in Love Montage and loved both of them!
