Thursday, 2 July 2020

What I'm looking forward to watching on Disney+ in July 2020

I'm so pleased I signed up for Disney+ because I've watched it more than I thought I would - I've got a few of my friends signed into it as well and we're all using it a lot. Definitely getting my money's worth! There's some new releases coming, and here are the ones I'm excited for...


I've not seen the stage show and it's never really appealed to me - I'd go and see it if it toured, but I wouldn't necessarily go down to London to see it. Regardless, I'm really looking forward to seeing it on Disney+ when it's released on July 3rd.

Race to Witch Mountain

This is a teen action movie with AnnaSophia Robb AND The Rock in it, both of whom I love. The 2009 film is all about aliens and outer-space and I've never seen it, so it's firmly on my list now. This also comes out on July 3rd!

Solo: A Star Wars Story

I'm more of (whispers) Star Trek fan but I do also love Star Wars. I haven't seen Solo yet and I'm really looking forward to watch it when it comes onto Disney+ on July 10th. The Star Wars films are just always a good time, aren't they?

Nat Geo documentaries

There will also be loads of new Nat Geo documentaries on Disney+ in July. From the Lost City of Machu Picchu to the Hidden Kingdoms of China, I love an excuse to learn something new and these look amazing. There are a few different documentaries being released throughout the month, so definitely keep an eye out.

That's what I'm looking forward to on Disney+ in July 2020. There are plenty of other shows and films being added during the month too, so it's well worth checking that link and signing up to Disney+ if you haven't already!

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