Saturday, 24 August 2019

My current favourite skincare products

My skin has been baaaaaadddd lately - red and full of breakouts, caused by late nights and stress and drinking too much. So I've kicked my skincare regime up a gear, and it's finally on the mend. Here's the products I've been loving!

Pixi Rose Cream Cleanser*

I'm not a massive rose lover, but this cleanser is amazing. It's not gritty or anything but it's not particularly smooth either, and I love the way it feels - it leaves my face feeling so clean and nourished and just lovely. A little goes a really long way, and I can see myself using this for a long time. more info here

The Body Shop Mineral & Ginger Warming Clay Mask

I absolutely love this mask, especially when I can feel that my skin is getting a bit oily. It smells nice and really cleanses your skin, dragging all the crap out of your pores. I've had this particular tube since Christmas and I use it quite often - there's still loads left so it's definitely food value for money. Absolutely love it. more info here

Tropic Pure Lagoon Blemish Prevention Serum*

I've had quite a few breakouts over the past month, and this serum is just so good. It genuinely reduces redness and dries out your spots without irritating the surrounding skin, and it feels so luxurious. Definitely one of my top products! more info here

Freederm Gel

When I get a particularly nasty spot, I use the Freederm 4% treatment gel - it's £10 ish from Superdrug which seems pricey for a little tube from a drugstore brand *but* it works so well. It is quite drying, so make sure you apply it directly to the spot, but it reduces spots overnight. more info here

Pixi Vitamin C Lotion*

I got a bunch of products from the Pixi Vitamin C range recently, and I've been slowly testing them out. I absolutely love this moisturiser. It's thick but soaks in quickly, and it smells citrus-y and delicious. It also leaves my skin GLOWING. Would absolutely recommend!! more info here

So there you have it - my current favourite skincare products. My skin has settled down again and looks fairly decent at the minute, and I've got these products to thank for that. Have you tried any of these? Let me know...

Products with an asterisk (*) have been sent to me - see my disclaimer for more.


  1. That Tropic serum sounds right up my street! Love the name of it too x

  2. The rose cream cleanser sounds lovely. I've just started using the Pixi Vitamin C serum.

  3. The rose cleanser is so nice but I think I prefer the glow one.... Just haha xx

  4. I've been loving the Vit C moisturiser too! It's so good!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  5. I want to try more Pixi, I am loving the glow cleanser at the moment!

  6. So many great picks here! I love the sound of the Tropic product especially, I'll definitely be adding that one to my wishlist :)

    Kate |

  7. I've never used Pixi products but so many people talk about them, I think I'll have to!

  8. Anything by Pixie is an absolute dream for my skin!

  9. Really want to try Pixi. Can't believe I haven't x

  10. I've been loving the PIXI moisturiser too! Really want to try the cream cleanser x

    Joyce |

  11. I really need to try more from Pixi x

  12. The Pixi Rose Cream Cleanser is one of my faves, I used mine up so quick!

    Gemma Louise

  13. Ooh these sound so lovely! I need to try more Pixi products - the rose cream cleanser sounds great for the Autumn/Winter seasons! x

  14. I keep on looking at the rose cream cleanser in Boots! I am waiting for some form of offer to come up for Pixi, although it never seems to come on offer in store.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
