Sunday, 16 June 2019

Five recent reads | june19

Time for another 'five recent reads' post - five quickfire book reviews featuring the books I've read recently which is entirely self-explanatory but I thought I'd explain it anyway. It's been a while since I post my last recent reads post because two of the books in this post are *big* so it took me a little bit longer than normal to read 5 books...

Firstly, Truth Will Out by A D Garrett, which I loved - it's about a university lecturer who's wife and daughter were abducted, and year's later a similar case is happening that he gets dragged into because he lectures in forensics and he's mates with some police officers. It's actually part of a series and I've never read the others, but I loved this and definitely want to read more from Garrett! click here to buy

Next up is Tick Tock* by Mel Sherratt which is the second in a series, following Hush Hush which I read last year and featured here. I mentioned that I found that one a bit 'meh' and while I did like the storyline of Tick Tock, I spotted a LOT of editing/proofreading mistakes which just really put me off. This one was sent to me by the publishers but there's nothing to suggest that it's a proof copy, and it wasn't sent pre-release so it seems like the mistakes are in the sold copies which just stresses me out. But if you can look past that, it's an alright read. click here to buy

two books, some pens, some earphones and a lipstick on a blanket

The Furies* by Katie Lowe was my next read and oh, my god. Never has there been such a cool, clever and twisted book written so perfectly - if you're into witches and teen drama that isn't even trashy, and like your books to be peppered with history/myths/etc, you will absolutely LOVE this and I can't recommend it to you enough! Just so bloody wonderful. click here to buy

The next book I read was The July Girls* by Phoebe Locke; it follows the story of Addie, growing up in London just after the 7/7 bombings - I liked that it was set in the UK, recently, because the references to actual real life events peppered throughout gave it such a realistic edge. Anyway, it's Addie's story about London and growing up in a dysfunctional family and these murders that take place on this one day in July, every year. It's SO good and twisty and wonderful, definitely read it when it comes out!

My final recent read was The Shock of The Fall by Nathan Filer, an incredible book amount mental illness. It's told in first person from the perspective of Matt, who has schizophrenia and spends his time between a little flat and a day unit in Bristol. He tells his life story, about the death of his older brother and the way things go downhill for him after that. But it's beautiful and uplifting, and shows a real side to mental illness that a lot of books fall short with. click here to buy

As always, leave me some book recommendations below!

For some more recent reads, CLICK HERE


  1. They all sound so good! I need to start reading more :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. I have never read a book in my life Erin, well, when I was at school but I’d really like to try and relax and read an easy to read book! Any recommendations would be most helpful. Thank you for sharing x

  3. I'm going to have to try these. I've been so slack with my reading recently! I have a couple of long train journeys coming up though.

  4. Oh I love posts like this because then I can add them all to my to read list! xx

  5. I'll be adding these to my list! I have a few to be read but love discovering new reads :) xx

    Jessie |

  6. You make me want to read more when I see your book posts x

  7. These sound so good! I need to get back into reading x

    Joyce |

  8. They all sound brilliant especially The July Girls. I must read! x

    Lauren |

  9. The Furies sounds so good! I'll add this to my list.

  10. going to make a note of some of these, I keep meaning to read more but I never set myself the time x

  11. I keep meaning to make time to read more, I'll be baring these in mind!

  12. I adore reading and have got back into it this year after having a few years where I have really struggled. I have found my Kindle has helped quite a bit.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
