Thursday, 7 February 2019

Buy Something Random

Subscription services and mystery boxes were a big deal in 2018, and Buy Something Random are a company who combine the two concepts. You can buy one off themed boxes, or monthly boxes at different prices which will contain more or less items depending on the price. Just before Christmas (can you tell I've been busy) they sent me one of their one off bundles to share with you - so let's take a look inside.

The box I received was the Construction Bundle, filled with all sorts of DIY fun. There was a grow your own Christmas tree, which I'm saving for next year, and then loads of non-Christmas themed items such as DIY straws (a little nod to the eco-friendly alternatives on the market), 'grow a poo', desktop golf and a Meccano helicopter. As well as these, there was a book of amusing signs and also a remote controlled poo emoji.

buy something random mystery box kids

To me, this box is a perfect for a rainy day - especially if you've got kids, or you're looking for something a bit different than binging on the latest Netflix series. I'm really looking forward to putting the Meccano helicopter together (I love a project) and I know my nephew will love the little 'grow a poo' and it's something we can really easily do together.

The box is possibly a little more typically boy-orientated, but girls love this kind of stuff too so really I'd say it's something anyone can enjoy, and it's pretty much suitable for any age. It's £50 which seems like a big outlay, but you get a fair bit in there and it might be stuff you wouldn't think of buying, but that can make a really fun project or brighten up a dull afternoon. Things like the DIY straws can be used over and over again, and I imagine the remote controlled poo emoji will bring hours of fun - I plan on chasing my dog with it...

What's your favourite subscription box service?

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