I've been going kind of face mask crazy lately - for me it's a great way to unwind, and of course it has benefits for the skin. I've been making my way through all the sachets in my skincare drawer, but I also decided to treat myself to the L'Oreal Pure Clay Blemish Face Mask when it was on offer for £6 in Superdrug. I didn't have particularly high hopes, but I've ended up really liking it!
It's bright blue, which I think is part of the appeal for me as I like looking alien-esque when I put it on; it smells nice but not too overpowering, which is definitely a good thing as you're leaving it on your face for a while. It dries down but not to that completely solid/dry/can't move your face kind of way, and it wipes off really easily with a damp flannel or sponge. The pot says you get around 10 uses out of it, which is probably about right - so it works out quite economical, too, considering single-use face mask sachets are normally around the £1 mark.
Anyway, does it work? My skin has been terrible lately, and while this mask obviously hasn't cured it, I'd say it's definitely looking better since I started using it. It's taken a lot of the redness out of my face, and significantly reduced the size of the spots I've had - while my skin is still looking far from perfect, it does look a lot better than it has in recent weeks.
I'd definitely recommend this if your skin has been breaking out lately, and I know there's a few other masks in the range too, for detoxing and making you glow and all that good stuff. If you've tried any of them, let me know!
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