Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Office wear wishlist

Well, I'm now officially an adult - I have a 9-5 office job! I'll be working in an office with my best friend, three days a week, doing all sorts of grown up things. I'm keeping my bar job, still writing my dissertation, planning another #CarnLIVal and trying to blog as much as I can so life is set to be pretty busy over the next few months. Really, though, I wouldn't have it any other way! As I've never had an office job before, this opens a whole new door for me: office wear. Here's some bits I've got my eye on, 'cause you know I love a good wishlist post...

I prefer grey pants to black - I think black always looks harsh on me because I'm so pale, even if it is on my legs, plus it reminds me of my teachers when I was in school. Some people really suit black pants but I'm not one of them so grey is always the way to go, for me, and these from H & M are so pretty. The paperbag style is one I've loved for a while and these are just the right amount of smart. I think one thing that really smartens up any outfit is a cardigan - and yellow is my favourite colour so I had to pop this one from TU @ Sainsbury's in here; their clothes are really good quality and not too expensive, either! I'm also a big fan of shirt dresses - comfy and again, not too smart but also not the most casual thing in the world. Plain colours can be accessorised or paired with coloured shoes, too, and this dress is only thirteen quid from Primark - winner.

Culottes are my one true love right now; I wear them behind the bar because they're light and airy while still looking good, and I think they look really smart. These ones are from George @ Asda and they're the perfect autumn colour - with a black top and black shoes I can see them looking so snazzy. I love the gold detailing on these, too. In terms of shoes, I plan on wearing flats because me + heels = not cool. These Tesco (!!!) tassel loafers are so cute and look really comfy so it's an all round win for me! Last but not least is this yellow blouse from Boohoo - a bit bright, possibly, but also soooo pretty and would definitely smarten up an outfit.

Where do you shop for affordable but good quality office wear? Let me know!

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