Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Life lately

As usual, life is hectic - I've missed a few blog posts but I'm back to it, and fingers crossed I can stick to my schedule. Here's what's been going on.

We went to Porto, and it was hot but the beer was good and I won a lot of games of UNO. I've been working a few extra shifts, and trying to get freelance work done too - Sam and I are doing some social media management on top of the content writing we do, and it's more time consuming than I thought it would be. We've been going to the cinema a lot, to make the most of our Infinity cards (we've seen some cracking films so keep an eye out for a June Films post) and to spend time together.

I've been thinking about my dissertation a lot, too, which takes up a lot of brain space. The world is a bit shit at the minute as well and that also takes up way too much brain space - but we plod on regardless.

In better news, #CarnLIVal planning is well under way - and you'd hope so too with less than two weeks to go. It falls during the week of my birthday, so we are set for major celebrations: party games, cake, goody bags, a secret activity and of course, a donation station for food + toiletries to be donated to those in need across Merseyside. I absolutely can't wait to see everyone, and I'm already planning my outfit.

The day after that, we head to Germany for a few days of sunny exploring, good food, and a bit of a switch off. I'll be spending the next week or so making sure tweets and blog posts are scheduled as much as they can be!

So that's life lately - how's yours?

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