Sunday, 20 November 2016

Kraków beauty haul 2016

I did a similar post to this last year, and now we've been back to Kraków I've stocked up on a load more skincare and make up - it's so cheap, and so good, so I thought it'd be rude not to buy a ton of it and share it with y'all.

One of the brands I made a beeline for was Ziaja, who are now actually based in Ireland but are originally a Polish company. I picked up two gel cleansers; the first is from their natural olive range and the second is from the manuka tree 'normalising' range. I also grabbed the natural olive face cream, which is sooooo thick. Excited by everything, I grabbed an intimate cleanser as well - or a fanny wash as Sam and I kept referring to it as. I had to get Ziaja face masks too, because they were like a couple of zloty each meaning I paid about 70p for each of them. I will, of course, keep you all updated on my Ziaja purchases.

Also from Ziaja, only I forgot to photograph it with the others, we got a micellar water which is pretty standard. I also got yet another gel cleanser, even though they're super drying so I can't really use them, purely because the brand is called Selfie Project......

We don't have Sephora here, obv, and so we made a couple of trips there and both times I came away with more face masks. These are the sleeping ones and I paid £3 for each one, and you can get a fair few nights use out of them. I got the avocado one, which I've tried and love - and I also picked up the lotus one which I'm yet to try but I am well excited about. Not from Sephora but it doesn't fit in any other section, I got some Delia henna for my brows - I got this last time we went and I really loved it, so I thought it was only right to pick up some more so I can dye my brows and not have to attend to them every morning...

Last but not least I picked up a ton of make up... They've got Wet N Wild in this one pharmacy, but I didn't see anything I wanted so I headed for Catrice, which we think are a Spanish brand. I grabbed a 'highlighting pen' which is like a thin stick highlighter that I've been using in my inner corners. It's cute AF. Sensique are a Polish brand, and I'd run out of mascara so I picked one up from there, and it's not great but it just about does the job and I paid about two quid for it. I got a new blusher purely because the brand was called 'Smart Girls Get More' and it's a pretty pale peachy-pink with plenty of sparkle. Last out of everything I got a loose eyeshadow, which reminds me of the consistency of Colorpop eyeshadows, and I can't even remember the brand I got it from but I think it was literally about £1.70 and it's so pretty.

Sorry the photos are so shit, the lighting in our apartment was dire and I wanted to photograph everything so I could get using it....oops

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