Saturday 17 September 2016

Nur Besten // make up haul & first impressions

Do I really need more make up? Absolutely not, given that I've run out of places to store what I already own - but I just can't seem to pass up the opportunity to add to my collection. When the gang at Nur Besten offered to send me some bits, I scoured the site for ages and decided on four new bits to try out.

Nur Besten offer a range of what seems to be Asian make up - Korean or Japanese, I think, but I could be wrong so don't quote me. One of the products I went for was a loose powder, which retails for £4.68 - I chose the lilac shade, which you're probably thinking is a bit weird. My thoughts behind this were that lilac is the opposite of yellow, so it would tone down any yellow-based foundations. Pretty smart thinking, in my opinion, and it just about does the trick - you have to be careful not to use too much, though, because otherwise your face ends up lilac. Obviously.

As soon as I saw this eyeshadow trio, I fell in love; the galaxy-esque effect the colours give in the pan was just too much, and I knew I had to have it. They do a few different ones, but I liked the subtle mixture of brights and neutrals in this one. Hooooo boy is this pigmented - when I first swatched these I was in awe, and they don't have too much fall-out either. 10/10 would definitely recommend; perfect for travelling or chucking in your make up bag, and not too pricey at £7.69 (worth it).

The magic glow ball powder caught my eye and immediately reminded me of the Guerlain Météorites - minus the jaw-dropping packaging and massive price tag (this one's only £6.82). A bit of a gimmick, maybe, but I adore this; it can be used all over the face for a subtle glow, or if you load your brush up it gives a really nice highlight on the tops of the cheekbones/down the nose etc. I'm not here to tell y'all how to highlight, but this is SO nice.

Last but not least, possibly one of the prettiest make up products I own: the Love Alpha 'eye shadow frozen' which is so aesthetically pleasing, a proper princess make up product in my opinion. However, what's inside doesn't quite live up to what's on the outside. It's very wet and feels like jelly, and although the colour looks ridiculously beautiful, it's so sheer on the eyes that it's almost pointless. Plus the wet feeling sticks around for ageeeesssss. If you've tried any of these and know of a way to get it to work, hit me up because like I said, I love the colour and for £3.47 I wouldn't mind trying some more shades.

What new make up have you got your hands on lately?

Post contains items that were gifted to me in exchange for review; however all opinions are my own. Please see my disclaimer for more information.

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