Saturday, 30 July 2016

Degusta Box // July

I've heard loads about Degusta box, and I'm thrilled to be working with them - July's box came to my door a few days ago, and I was so excited to dive in. If you don't know what Degusta box is, it's a food subscription service: for £12.99 a month you get a selection 10-15 food/drink/snacks/sweets. That's pretty much it, really...

When it came, my mum and I immediately ripped it open to see what was inside - and it didn't disappoint. The first thing I tried was the crisps; I'm a savoury lover, and these seemed right up my street: Seabrook Lattice Crisps - Akbars' Chicken Jalfrezi. Now if you know me, you'll know I don't do spice, and these are pretty spicy. Neverthelesss I did enjoy them, because they're crisps and I love crisps. We were off to pack up my uni room, so for sustenance we each grabbed a Bahlsen Choco Leibniz - the perfect ratio of biscuit to delicious chocolate, and these definitely brought back some childhood memories!

There's a few things I just won't eat - and one of them is dark chocolate. I don't know what it is but I just can't hack it, so these Brookside Dark Chocolate - Acai & Blueberry went to my gran, who loved them; they're a healthy way of getting your chocolate fix, so if you like the sound of them then definitely go for it! I much prefer the unhealthy stuff, and so I was thrilled to see a very fancy looking bag of sweets: the Fruit Pastilles Infusions which I demolished in quite literally no time at all. They don't taste much different from regular fruit pastilles, so they're entirely delicious, and they just feel quite grown up and lah de dah.

 Seaweed; it's a funny thing to consider eating, but I'll try anything once and so I tore open a packet of itsu Crispy Seaweed Thins. With them being sea salt flavour, I was half expecting them to taste a bit like ready salted crisps - but I couldn't have been more wrong. They smelt repulsive (like fish food) and tasted pretty much the same. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing they'd be great because the packets are a really good size and you get a few in there - they just definitely weren't for me! Another thing like this was the Felix Sweet Pickled Swedish Gherkins; these were swiftly delivered to my mum's friend who uses them in salads on the reg, because they'd only go to waste in our house. We're the type of family who always pick the gherkins off the burgers in McDonalds. We'll be using the Sarsons Balsamic Vinegar though, especially when my mum has her friends round for one of their "Greek nights" with soft bread to dip into a combo of olive oil & balsamic.

I think muesli is just fab - it's so easy to chuck in a bowl with yoghurt and fruit: Jordans Swiss Style Muesli is classic museli with raisins (yuck) and almonds, but it's a really good museli, and also quite an expensive one. Would recommend, very healthy. Speaking of healthy, Degusta Box this month offered some healthy alternatives to the fizzy drinks I love so much; here's the low down...

Rejuvenation Water in Apple & Mint // This was the first one I tried, and quite frankly I couldn't drink more than 2 sips - the mint was so overpowering and the drink itself was ridiculously sweet. It's a no from me, but if mint is your thing you'll love it.
Berrywhit Organic Sparkling Cranberry & Guava // Delicious - literally amazing, 10/10 would buy again. Not too sweet, but sweet enough, and fizzy without being gassy.
Qcumber Natural Cucumber Sparkling Water // I am a massive fan of cucumber, but there's something so wrong about water that tastes like it, and is vaguely fizzy. Bleh.
Alo Exposed Aloe Vera & Honey Drink // This is the perfect amount of sweet, without being sickly, and although it's not something I could drink gallons of - it's refreshing when you grab it cold from the fridge and it does taste lovely.

So there you have it - the contents of July's Degusta Box; it's well worth checking out if you're a foodie, and you can use the code BLDEG15 to get a massive £7 off your own box!

Which subscription boxes are you subscribed to?

1 comment:

  1. This is such an amazing post XD keep it up with such lovely posts. Can't wait to read more XD and I hope that you could check out my blog too ^_^
