Wednesday, 24 December 2014

DAILY DECEMBER #24 // eBay home wish list

I've posted eBay wish lists before, but they've mostly been fashion-related. I thought today I would share with you home ware bits I've had my eye on. I love buying home things, because my uni house is so boring and can't be properly decorated, so it's nice to jazz it up with little bits!

1 - Boho wall hanging, £11.99 + free p&p // I've wanted one of these for sooooo long; I think it would look so cute on the wall behind my bed, just to spice up the plain white background. You can find loads of different colours and designs on eBay too. click here

2 - Colourful plant pot, £1.29 + free p&p // I really love plants because I think having a little bit of nature in your room can make you feel calm. This comes in loads of colours too. click here

3 - Emoji cushion, £4.79 + free p&p // I think I featured this in an earlier wish list but it's just too cute not to mention again. I have a lot of cushions on my bed to make it cosy, so I'm always on the look out for new ones. click here

4 - Moth dictionary print, £6.99 + free p&p // As an English student, I love prints that are done on book pages. I also love moths, so this is pretty perfect for me! click here

5 - LOVE mug, £1.50 + £2.95 p&p // Even though I don't drink hot drinks, I have quite a good collection of mugs which I'm always adding to, and I love this one. click here 

6 - Oil burner, £1.89 + 99p p&p // I have an oil burner already but it's coming to the end of it's little life because I use it almost every day to burn oils or Yankee wax tarts! This one is cheap and would look really cute alongside the wall hanging! click here

I hope you enjoyed seeing what's on my eBay home ware wish list - what's on yours?

Want to see my current IKEA wishlist? 'course you do

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