Wednesday, 17 December 2014

DAILY DECEMBER #17 // My Christmas pamper essentials

I am a totally horrible blogger and there are no proper photos for this blog post, because I have two uni deadlines this week and I've been spending most of my time in the library, so daylight has been severely amiss in my life. But I've been sooo stressed that I thought now would be the perfect time to talk about my favourite pastime - pampering!

an actual photo of me right now

I find pampering myself while at uni can be pretty difficult - our bath is tiny and the house is always busy, plus the walls are thin so even if I stayed in my room there would be music pounding or people's voices distracting me. I don't mind though, because you never feel alone ... But I digress!

Any Christmas time pampering session needs a candle - I've been loving the Coconut and Vanilla Cream scented candle from Primark which comes in a frosted glass cube. Aesthetically pleasing or what? It's not massively Christmassy but it smells soooo lush. A face mask is a big part of any pamper night, and I love the Superdrug ones which are always 3 for 2.

Tonight I decided to push the boat out, and made myself a make shift foot spa. At home my mum does have an actual foot spa which you plug into the wall and it massages your feet, but at uni I'm not blessed with such luxuries. I did see them in B&M today though, if you fancy snapping one up. I cleaned out the washing up bowl and filled with with hot water, Soap And Glory bubble bath, and some baby oil. You could use bath salts or proper oils like Lavender too. I let my feet soak for a while before smothering them in the Righteous Butter and popping on some fluffy socks.

I painted my nails using a Barry M shade that I featured in my favourite Christmas nails post, and watched loads of Vlogmas videos while eating jam donuts. Because you've got to treat yourself, right?

I've been super busy lately with uni and hospital appointments, so I really hope my Daily December posts aren't too dull; I thought today's post fitted in well with yesterday's #thelilacscrapbook December photo challenge over on Instagram - do feel free to check out the hashtag and get involved!

Want to see some fancy hand soap and body wash? 'course you do

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