Monday, 17 November 2014

5 Photos That Make Me Smile // Tag

This 'tag' has been floating around Facebook for the past few days, and it makes a change from everyone moaning all the time (myself included)... I saw the lovely Kirstie from The Yellow Brick Blog post about it over on her blog, and thought I'd follow suit!

All you have to do is post 5 photos which make you smile, and bob's your uncle...

1 // This is me and my god-sister, who is also my best friend in the entire universe. We've stuck by each other through everything and I know she'll always be there if I need a good telling off or a shoulder to cry on. Also, I think I've perfected the pout in this photo.

2 // Smurf night was my favourite night of my first year during uni; there's just something about a mass of people dressed head to know in blue and wearing silly hats, drinking cocktails and having a good time.

3 // I love this photo of me and my parents. We're on the back of a boat out on a river in Turkey, and I can remember the breeze and how for every serious photo we took, there was a silly one too. Holidays are just so wonderful.

4 // My grandad is my absolute hero and since he passed away 3 years ago, this photo has meant an extraordinary amount to me. This was taken during our last ever holiday, when we visited Abersoch in Wales at Easter time. He was just such a funny and caring man which I know is cliché to say, but my parents always tell this story about he once cried because there was nothing he could do to soothe my eczema. That's a good human right there.

5 // Halloween 2014 was one of the best night's ever - not actual Halloween (that was actually pretty awful) but the Wednesday of that week, when all the sports teams & university societies went out in scary fancy dress. My friends from badminton are some of the nicest people I've ever met and even though I've known them for a tiny amount of time, I love them to bits!

6 // Okay so I cheated and I've put six photos in because I just couldn't choose. There's a million more I'd add in too if I could! But I just absolutely had to include a picture of Krakow: my favourite city in the world. Even in cold and drizzly weather it's beautiful. This photo was taken on my second trip there, and I cannot wait to go back.

Let me know over on Twitter @katygilroyblog if you do this tag!

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love reading posts like this, helps me get to know bloggers :) Plus they're more natural than normal blog posts! Love it. Might have to steal ;)
