Wednesday, 17 September 2014

My New Skincare Routine // Sept'2014

I have awful skin but try as I might I can never seem to stick to a good skincare routine; I'm trying to get myself into one now, and I thought blogging about it might encourage me to stick to it! Here's what my routine entails...

1 // I take my make-up off using Micellar Water (I'm currently using the Garnier one, but I've also used the L'oreal one which I blogged about here). It takes me about three cotton pads to get my make up off, and I find it to be quite quick and easy.

2 // I wash my face using a Simple facial wash, which I've reviewed here. I find this cleanses my skin and makes sure any leftover traces of make up are gone, leaving me feeling squeaky clean.

3 // Next up is moisturiser - I'm currently using Inecto Pure Coconut Moisture Creme, which is apparently not recommended for facial use but seems to be fine for me so far. I'll do an in depth review of it when I've been using it for a while longer...

4 // If I have any particularly nasty spots I pop a bit of T-Zone Rapid Action Sport Zapping gel on, which does a great job of keep redness and swelling at bay.

Every other day I use Lush 'Dark Angels' scrub on my face and across the top of my back, where my spots are the worst. I'm currently using a sample size but if it works out between us, I'll be investing in the full size pot. I love it so far so that's a good sign!

I also try to use a face mask once a week, because it simply makes me feel pampered and lovely. Most of the time I use the Montagne Jeunesse ones as there's quite a big rang and none of them have ever irritated my skin. The Superdrug ones are good too. I've made some of my own too, one of which is mentioned here!

I'd quite like to try an overnight serum and also a cleansing balm, so if you have any skin care recommendations let me know over on Twitter or Instagram - @katygilroyblog

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