Monday, 4 August 2014

Nail Varnish Remover Pads // Review

I love painting my nails and when I go on holiday that's no exception - but I'm always paranoid of nail varnish remover leaking in my suitcase, plus I like my case to be as light as possible! So when I spotted some 'nail varnish remover pads' in Poundland I thought I'd give them a try and see if they can replace the real thing for when I'm travelling.

I remember getting these years a go from a brand called Quickies or something in a big square pink tub - those were probably 10x better than the ones I bought from Poundland, which are by a brand called Pretty Perfect. The pads are quite small and very thin, however they really do get your nail varnish off well. It only took me 3 pads to remove all traces of orange nails.

Pros // Cheap & cheerful; do a great job; compact, so great for your travels; less waste.

Cons // Greasy residue; smell gross; contain acetone.

So the pros outweigh the cons - just. Some people hate acetone so if you do, they definitely won't be for you. If you can put up with the smell, the greasy residue washes straight off so that's fine too. I'd definitely recommend checking these out or something similar!

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