Monday, 11 September 2023

6 recent reads | August 2023

Since getting a Kindle for my birthday, I've been reading even more than normal - and the Kindle hasn't stopped me buying physical books! If you're interested in book hauls, I share them on Instagram and TikTok when I get new ones. Anyway, it's time to share my 6 most recent reads with you; they aren't necessarily new releases, but they're my recent reads with quickfire, spoiler-free reviews.

The Lido by Libby Page

I recently got SO lucky in my local charity shop and picked up six books, many of which were already on my TBR - at 50p each I was over the moon. One of these books was The Lido by Libby Page, which is an achingly beautiful look at Brixton and the changing of local communities over time as well as multi-generational friendships and the power of peoples' voices. I just loved the way it shone a light on so many people, all of the individuals who make up the fabric of a community in a way that is so realistic. And the storyline, about two very different women coming together to save their local lido, was just gorgeous. I highly, highly recommend this book and I know there is a sequel coming very soon...

Hook, Line and Sinker by Tessa Bailey

2023 has been the year I've *really* got into romance novels, and this is my second Tessa Bailey book; it's the sequel to It Happened One Summer, which I adored, and I really liked this one too. It follows Hannah, who works in film and loves all things music, as she returns to the small seaside town she was born in - for work, but also for the hot fisherman she met last time she was there. The sexual tension between them is evident from the get go, and there's a lot of will-they won't-they... it was formulaic in the way that friends to lovers romance novels usually are, but in a good way. I love the characters in these books and this was a definite reading highlight for me!

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

I've had this on my shelf for ages and I've been putting off reading it because it's so hyped, I wasn't sure if it would live up to my expectations. I did enjoy the book and the storyline, but I found it a bit too cutesy for my tastes. Small town romances are something I'm a big fan of, but I felt that I didn't really get to know the town that much which was a shame! It's definitely one for you if you're looking for a fun and lighthearted romance, maybe as a holiday read. I'm intrigued to see how I get on with some other Emily Henry books though...

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series by Holly Jackson

In the aforementioned lucky charity shop haul, I managed to pick up books 1 and 2 in the AGGGTM series - book three was there, but for reasons unbeknownst even to me, I didn't buy it. It took me a few tries to get into the first book, but once I was on board with the writing style (it flits between third-person narration and first-person notes as well as visual elements) I found myself invested. The first book of the series follows Pip, who is doing her EPQ at college and wants to look into the disappearance and murder of fellow student Andie Bell, allegedly killed by her boyfriend (Sal) who then went on to kill himself.

Pip gets to the bottom of what happened on that fateful night, and finds herself falling for Sal's brother Ravi along the way. She also decides to turn her EPQ research into a podcast; the whole thing has some pretty bad consequences for Pip, and she calls it a day after just one season of the podcast. But of course, there are 2 more books and 2 more reasons for Pip to keep going with her investigative work and podcast. As the series develops, it only gets darker and more sinister; there are some scenes that really made my heart race. I really enjoyed the way it was written, in terms of the characters and plot but also the addition of scanned documents, interview transcripts and so on - it's really well put together.

If you're a fan of YA thrillers then this is 100% up your street and I can see why it's so popular; I ended up finishing all 3 books (I bought the last instalment on my Kindle!) in about 4 days. Definitely got me out of the mini reading slump I've been in. Even if YA isn't usually your bag, I'd say give it a go anyway!

What have you been reading lately? Feel free to let me know in the comments or send any recommendations my way...

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