Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Fun Things to do on a Budget

With the cost of living crisis just there now, it's always handy to find cheaper and more budget-friendly things you can do during your downtime. This is a guest post jam packed with ideas for you. Enjoy!

It's the weekend and you're thinking about what you should be planning to do. If you're bored and you're looking for something new to do this weekend you are in the right place. Nobody should have to get to the end of a weekend and think it was a waste of time before they have to go back to work again. Somebody out there decided that we should spend five days a week working and two days a week off, which is never fun for anybody really!

Whether you have a new date or you want to do something with the family, you should be able to plan your weekend around the things that you love the most. Perhaps you want to go clothes shopping, or you want to buy the latest Delta 8 THC Vape Carts. Either way, you should be able to do whatever you want at the weekend because this is your time for yourself. Weekends are designed for us to rest, recharge and have fun, and with the suggestions below you'll be able to do just that. In fact, we have more than 10 suggestions of what you could do with your weekend.

Go for a walk around the lake. 

Find a lake, any lake, within the vicinity of your town and go for a walk around it. Most lakes have a walking path, and you can bring the kids, bring your partner and if you have one, bring the dog. Not only will you be able to enjoy the views and get some exercise, if there are ducks there you'll be able to bring some food to feed them. Most lakes are equipped with kiosks or small cafes along the way so that you can sit by the water and enjoy something delicious. Even if you only go out for a coffee, it's going to be the right thing that you do for your weekend. Getting out of the office and filling your lungs with actual air is such a good plan. If there are no restaurants or kiosks, sitting by the lake on the grass with a picnic blanket and all of your favorite picnic things is one of the nicest ways to relax and enjoy your time.

Go on a hike. 

Almost every area has a hike of varying lengths within city limits. Some places have mountain hikes, others have forest heights just on the edge of the city. You can choose shorter and more level hikes just to go for a stroll, or if you want to make it an all day affair you can head to the mountains and go up the marked paths. Always wear good shoes and sunblock, a hat and bring your water. If you plan to do something challenging, let somebody know so that in case something happens you have an emergency contact.

Pump the bicycle tyres!  

Getting your bike ready for a ride is a great way to spend your time on the weekend. You can either rent a bike from the local bike shop or you can ride your own. Either way, you can hop onto a bike and go for a cycle. Always bring water with you and wear a helmet, and if you have kids, you could hire bikes for them, two. If they have their own bikes, check them over and clean them down if they've been in storage, and then find a safe bicycle track. If any of the kids are wobbly on two wheels, attach some stabilizers to the back wheel to make sure that they can ride safely.

Start a new craft. 

Whether the old dresser in your bedroom needs to be sanded, stained and painted, or you want to learn how to crochet, make this weekend the time that you do that. Not every activity that you do has to involve screen time, you don't have to go to movies, you don't have to scroll TikTok for hours on your phone, and you don't have to scroll up the iPad for Netflix. Instead, you can get your hands on your brain busy and start a new hobby or craft that's going to make you happy and make your house look great. A new craft can help you to explore your horizons and explore things that are new for you but that will make you happy.

Go and try a new restaurant. 

If you've got the budget for it, take yourself to a new restaurant. There are often new ones popping up all over town and you could get yourself out there and enjoy a meal you've never tried before. Sample some of the finest offerings or even go step further and head to a winery and try a load of those! There are plenty of ways that you can spend your time at the weekend but trying something new is always a thrilling way to do things. Humans are curious, and we reckon that you'll find something delicious if you go hunting for a new restaurant.

Do something for free. 

Art galleries, museums, walking tours, most of these things are free. There is usually a local or national artist that you can follow in any gallery, or you can head to the museums in your city and look at the artifacts. Museums are packed with old history, and whether it's history you are interested in or you want to find a museum that's more modern, there is always something to enjoy. The best part is that they don't often charge because their government runs. This means you can go for a look around, get some shelter and some culture and you don't have to pay a penny.

Go to the park. 

Another free thing to do that you could do at the weekend is taking the kids to the park. If you have a local park with plenty of rides and swings, you could take them there for an afternoon and bring a picnic with you. Not only will they be able to blow out the cobwebs and let go of some steam from their week at school, you get a chance to spend some time with them laughing and having fun.

Meet up with friends. 

Whether you go to a pub, out for dinner or you go to a karaoke bar, meeting up with friends is something that you can do to have the most fun. Heading out to escape rooms or going on bridge climbs, seeing a show at the theater or simply just spending time in each other's company is super fun.

Go for afternoon tea. 

If you haven't seen your parents in awhile, why not meet up and go for an afternoon tea? Something classic with finger sandwiches, mini cakes and scones is a great way to spend the weekend. You can choose a really fancy hotel, dress up to the nines and go and enjoy yourselves. The best part here is that you can put yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things while you are at afternoon tea.

Go and see live music

Is there a concert around you this weekend? How about a festival? If not, just go and see live music at any bar or pub in the city. Seeing somebody do what they love up front is going to help you to expand your horizons and listen to new music. Many bars and pubs offer local original artists throughout the week, so even if there's a band you've never heard before you might just fall in love with them and they will become the next best thing. You will then be able to say that you saw them first.

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