Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Nailing It by Anna Jefferson

I read Winging It by Anna Jefferson last year, and when I got the press release through for her upcoming sequel Nailing It, I couldn't wait to read it. It comes out in 2 days, on April 1st 2021, and here's what I thought of it...

When I first read Winging It, I thought I would find it hard to relate to a book about motherhood as someone who doesn't have or want a child - but it was so easy to fall in love with the characters and the story, and Nailing It was exactly the same. It's funny and charming, a reflection of how different women parent differently and all the ups & downs along the way.

Emily, Tania and Helen met in the first book, when their babies were teeny tiny, and their friendship has blossomed - they're very different people, but supportive of each other and able to bounce off each other in that beautiful female-friendship way that so many of us can relate to. There is something so special, as a woman, in reading about groups of female friends and Anna Jefferson writes them SO well.

There is nothing preachy or profound about Nailing It - it is a fun and very real story, a perfect contemporary look at life and motherhood and everything in between. If you like humour and a good old dose of drama (not in a fickle way, just in an "everything's a lot" kind of way) then you'll love Anna's writing and this book. The situations and conversations that make up the plot of the book are things you could definitely imagine happening to you and your friends - getting the days mixed up and not knowing who's turn it is to pick the kids up from school, for example, or complaining about the cost of a cup of tea in a sticky cafe. 

Whether you have kids or not, this is a hilarious novel that provides the perfect sequel - I loved the feeling of watching these little ones grow up with their brilliant mamas, and I would definitely recommend this book to parents and non-parents alike!

You can get your hands on Nailing It HERE. Have you read Anna Jefferson's first book? Let me know...

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