Monday, 6 January 2020

Szczecin, Poland | day three

Wednesday 18th December 2019 - 12,021 steps

You might have noticed there was no "day two" in this Szczecin series - because we did a day trip to Berlin on that day! More to come on that soon, but I wanted to put together all the Szczecin content first. We started our third day of the trip utterly exhausted but I, for one, was SO excited. Today was the day we were heading to the Crooked Forest...

We took it fairly slow in the morning getting ready, then headed out for a wander towards the station. As we had some time to kill before our train we decided to try pierogi again - and our second attempt was much more successful. Having been to Poland ten times but only ever trying it this time around, I am now absolutely kicking myself... it's gorgeous! I have a post coming soon about where we ate and drank while in Szczecin, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

I am also going to do a whole post about visiting the Crooked Forest, but it is absolutely magical and something I would definitely recommend doing if you find yourself in or near this part of Poland. We took some gorgeous photos, got chatting to a film maker and had such a chilled out walk around the forest.

Once we got back to Szczecin, we were determined to see the illuminated cranes that we'd seen photos and artwork of. Google Maps wasn't particularly helpful, though, so we decided to just walk and see where we ended up. Upon coming out of the front of the train station, we crossed the road and headed down onto the promenade. Then we just kept walking left - I'm no good with directions, but basically when our back was to the station we went left. Does that make sense? I hope so. There were loads of people fishing, and we got to see some cool street art and sculptures along the river, and then we saw the cranes. They aren't actually that big of a deal to most people, but they look so cool - they light up all different colours and they kind of look like dinosaurs. Absolutely LOVED them.

From there we headed home and chilled out for half an hour. Our plan was to find this cool jazz bar, but we ended up in the gaming bar near our apartment and just never left. We made friends with a bunch of locals who were just absolutely lovely - they did us our very own pub quiz, as we sadly don't speak Polish and couldn't join in with the proper one...

The night ended with a kebab and a deep chat on the doorstep of our apartment building, and then - absolutely shattered - we went to bed ahead of our final day in the city.

Keep your eyes peeled for day three!


  1. The crooked forest looks amazing, I'd never even heard of it before x

  2. Those dumplings look so yummy! I think we're gonna try and get out to Poland this year xx

  3. I'm so surprised to hear this was your first time trying pierogi, but I'm really glad you liked them - they're my favourite Polish dish of all time! I've also never heard of the Crooked Forest before, but now I would absolutely love to go there!

    Dominika | Into the Bloom

  4. I can't wait for your post about the crooked forest! That looks absolutely magical! x


  5. This looks like such an interesting place. Love the crooked forest.

  6. Wow, how cool is the crooked forest! Day three looks like so much fun!
    Soph - x

  7. The crooked forest looks absolutely amazing and so cool. I actually love that you ended your day with a kebab haha I would do that too x

  8. I'd never heard of the Crooked Forest before but it looks so cool! I'd love to visit there someday. Also really loving the cranes, I totally get what you mean about them looking like dinosaurs! That pierogi looks unreal, I need to get to Poland and try some!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  9. I'm going to poland in may and I am SO excited!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  10. The Crocked Forest looks amazing!I'd never heard of it before now, but I really do need to visit and see it with my own eyes! xx
