Thursday, 1 August 2019

Recent things: a haul

Even though I'm absolutely brassic right now, I seem to have been buying/acquiring a lot of new things lately - and I've not done a good old haul post in SO long, so I guess it's about time because I don't know about you, but I'm really nosey and I love seeing what people have been buying/adding to their life.

Without further ado, here's some random things I've picked up and/or been sent recently. Some products mentioned are press samples or gifted items, which you'll know because they have a * next to them!


My gran reads a lot and when I went to see her recently I was putting all the books she'd already ready back on the communal bookshelves, and some (okay, a lot) of them caught my eye. So that's how I ended up with a lot of new books in my collection - I've been sent some books by some lovely PRs recently too, so I'll add them to the list. If you've read any of them, let me know what you think!

Her Pretty Face by Robyn Harding
The Ballroom Class by Lucy Dillon
Try Not to Breathe by Holly Seddon
The Dead Ex by Jane Corry
Good Me Bad Me by Ali Land
The Vintage Springtime Club by Beatrice Meier
Con Law by Mark Gimenez
Random by Craig Robertson
Transcription by Kate Atkinson
Paper and Hearts Society by Lucy Powrie*
The Weighing of the Heart by Paul Tudor Owen*
Four by Andy Jones*
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane*
The Female Persuasion by Meg Wolitzer*


A couple of weeks ago I received a lovely package from the team over at I Love... Cosmetics, which was jam packed with body products in a variety of sweet scents that I can't wait to get using. I think my favourites are gonna be the I Love... Vanilla Milk hand & nail cream* and I Love... Pink Marshmallow bath & shower creme*. Everything smells so good, so if you're anywhere near me this summer then you're welcome. 

I also got a factor 30 Skin Shade Mineral Sun Protection* and some Sun Soothe Cooling Aftersun Lotion* from Tropic recently, which I've used before and absolutely LOVE. I'm heading to Spain in September so it's great to know I'm stocked up on the goods.

My birthday was recently, too, and I got a new cucumber scented setting spray from Gerard Cosmetics - if you read my blog regularly you'll already know I love this setting spray with my whole heart so I'm thrilled to have a new one!


Honestly, I don't really mean *fashion* because I'm not particularly good at that - I mostly mean clothes/things you wear or whatever because I recently bought myself some white and pink Ellesse sliders in the Schuh sale (okay it was like 2 months ago but whatever) and I love them. I'm still wearing them in, but as the weather's getting better I'll be wearing them a lot more. AND I've got a pair of plain white ones which my bestie got me for my birthday. Definitely stocked up for summer now...

I also bought two pairs of those floaty shorts Primark are doing for £4 each at the minute (if you know you know) - I got the mustard yellow pair and then a floral patterned pair. They're going to be SO easy to wear when I head to Spain, and also at home in this outrageously hot weather.

I don't know if jewellery counts as fashion or not, but I'm going to include it here. I was recently gifted two beautiful necklaces from Daisy London (and they have a sale on currently if you want to have a look). They sent me the stunning Isla Fossil Necklace* which I just absolutely love - it looks like a rock that's been there for millions of years with little shells and starfish imprinted. It's so cute and delicate and just LOVELY. They also sent me their Aphrodite Necklace*, which has the figure of a woman raised on the pendant - £10 from the sale of each Aphrodite necklace will go to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust which is amazing, as you get to support a fantastic charity while looking absolutely incredible in this stunning necklace. What's not to love? Check out their range of necklaces and see what you fall in love with.

Other than that, I'm trying to be ~ good ~ and not spend much money from now until I go away in September; I'm hoping to book another holiday so I need to set money aside for that, and I have my first ever press trip coming up soon so I want some spending money should I need it. What have YOU been buying recently?

For me summer holiday wishlist, CLICK HERE


  1. Love these picks. Those sliders are perfect for summer!

  2. I Love.. is a brand I love. I imagine the vanilla milk products smell SO good! I love anything vanilla scented x

    Lauren |

  3. I'm all about sweet scents, those body creams sound heavenly! x

    Gemma Louise

  4. I've recently got back into reading again so I'd love to hear more of your recommendations! I've sadly not read any of the list above though

  5. I recently treated myself to the new Pixi Vitamin C serum everyone's been banging on about.

  6. They are all so nice! Love the necklaces!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  7. I'm a little bit in love with those sliders! Such a fan haul here :)

    Kate |

  8. I love the Tropic skincare range, such a great brand

  9. Tropic have some great products don't they and I love the Daisy items you picked, they are gorgeous! :)

    Amy x
    The July Rose
