Monday, 9 July 2018

Book Haul // July 2018

It was recently my birthday (winner) and I got a few new books which is mega exciting for me - I love reading, and I love it when other people buy books for me because it nearly always ends up being something that I wouldn't have chosen myself. Also, all of these particular books are blue which is thrilling because my books are arranged by colour so...

The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury // now, I asked my mum to get this for me because I've read (and reviewed) the first book in this trilogy. I then bought what I thought was the second, sat down to read it on the plane to Germany last year, and realised I had in fact bought the third and final instalment. So, finally, I have book number 2 and I can find out what happens to the world I loved so much from the first book. Fantasy isn't usually my thing, but Mel does it so well and I'm really excited to read this.

The Dilemma by Abbie Taylor // this book is actually a fairly old one, having been first published in 2011 under a different name; from what I can gather it's a bit of a medical-themed thriller, and the author herself is actually also a doctor. Where do some people find the time? Honestly, it's remarkable. But anyway, it looks quite good although it's not one I'm desperate to read - I'm sure it'll stay on my bookshelf for a while but I will get round to it one day.

The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter // I'm pretty sure I've read some other stuff by Karin Slaughter, and this one looks really interesting. It's a crime thriller, which is my kind of book, and the reviews/endorsements are really promising. It's got death and secrets and tension, by the looks of things, so I think I'm going to enjoy this one!

Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan // My brother chose this one for me, and I have to say he's done a good job - it looks brilliant. Again it's a thriller, a proper psychological one this time, and again it's got great reviews and endorsements. It's the author's first thriller and it's really new, so I can't wait to get into it.

A Stranger In The House by Shari Lapur // I am the most excited to read this one, because I loved The Couple Next Door soooooo much (find my review here) and this one looks equally thrilling. I just know it will be jam packed with twists and turns and it's definitely at the top of my to-read list now. Keep your eyes peeled for what I hope will be a glowing review in the near future...

Have you got any good books recently? Let me know because I'm always looking for more!

1 comment:

  1. I read The Good Daughter on holiday and was obsessed! It's so gripping. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x
