Tuesday, 24 January 2017

HECK food // review

If there's one thing I love as much as skincare and ice cold pepsi - it's good food. So when Heck offered to send me some of their food, in a massive package filled with ice no less, I was buzzing. Their food is available in Waitrose and let me tell you it is delicious.

The first thing we tried from the range was their Chicken Italia Burgers - hoooooo boy these are amazing. Proper juicy chicken burgers with tomato, basil and mozzarella in them. We had these on batches with butter and a side salad, and honestly they were so amazing that I forgot to take a decent photo. They're gluten free and low-fat, so you just can't go wrong. Honestly I don't even know where my nearest Waitrose is but finding out and going all the way there would be worth it for these, and you can get them in meatball form too.

Next up - the Fair & Square 97% Sausages, which are a bit like the sausages you get on a mcdonald's breakfast but a million times better. They're easy to cook (I fried them in fry-lite with some mixed herbs) and taste amazing on toast or on a batch with bbq sauce. I'm literally drooling writing this post I swear.

The last thing I tried from HECK were their Thai Bites Veggie Balls which were just the right level of spice, and the consistency of falafel. I ate mine with pasta because I love carbs, and honestly they were a dream. I just whacked them in the oven and took them out about 12 minutes later - and voila. Healthy, tasty, vegan AND gluten-free. 10/10 would recommend.

So thanks to HECK for stocking my fridge full of tasty food that isn't even that bad for you, and for giving me an absolute craving for those damn chicken burgers. Even my mum loved them.

P.s, shout out to Jayne who came on here looking for this post but got a little bit more than she bargained for with a sex-toy post... sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I've been seeing HECK popping up absolutely everywhere and been meaning to try them out, but this post has made me just want to get out there and try everything they have to offer! Those Chicken Italia Burgers sound INSANE. Great post!

    Olivia - The Northernist x
