Monday, 25 July 2016

Us, by David Nicholls

A few years ago, I picked up One Day by David Nicholls - I proceeded to read it and fall in love with a style of writing that seemed so fresh, yet so homely at the same time. I love the film, too, even with Anne Hathaway's shoddy accent. So, naturally, when Us was released it went firmly on my to-read list; now, finally, I've read it. And I loved it.

The story follows Douglas in the midst of his marriage collapse, and we join him on a journey that's so exciting it seems almost far fetched - yet David Nicholls somehow has us believing it. He creates characters that are so relatable, so charming and so brilliant that it's impossible not to laugh and cry along with them.

As someone who loves to travel, I loved the descriptions and anecdotes that came alongside each place on the characters' journey. I loved hearing how the relationship had started, and how it was ending, and how Douglas tries to save it throughout their grand tour of Europe. I found myself, untimately, relating to all three major characters: Douglas, his wife-in-limbo Connie, and their son Albie. I think this is something Nicholls does so well - creating characters who are nothing like me whatsoever, and having me feel as though I know them and would get on with them and can predict their next moves.

I really really loved this book; not quite as much as One Day but almost. Nicholls has such a charming way with words, and his characters and situations are well-rounded, believable but exciting at the same time. I would highly recommend y'all read this, and let me know what you think!

If you have any book recommendations please throw them my way!

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