Thursday 15 October 2015

Cheerz, lads // Shake it like a Polaroid picture

Excuse terrible photography - it's tricky to take a 
good photo of other photos, you know?

Polaroid photos seem to be a staple of every blogger's bedroom, and now I'm no exception - I've lusted after one of those pastel Fuji Instax cameras for ages, but I simply can't afford to drop that amount of money, especially with film prices as high as they are. But there's ways around it, of course, in the form of companies who print your own photos to look like polaroid-style snaps. In our #NWmeet gift bags, we all had a voucher from Cheerz, either for photo strips or a 'lovely box', which was I went for...

I used the free app to create mine, mostly because I couldn't be bothered saving all the photos to my laptop and doing it that way - it was so straightforward, and it allows you to take the photos from any of the albums on your phone, or straight from Facebook/Instagram/DropBox. Pretty neat if you ask me. The boxes retail for £12.95 which gets you 30 little prints; you can choose which colour the edges are, and you can have text printed on them. I stuck with white and didn't get any with text on, again through my own laziness (I just couldn't be bothered captioning 30 photos, but I might add writing to them with a marker pen, proper old style).

They took a little bit longer than the advertised 3-5 working days to get to me, but they're worth the wait and I'm so excited to pin them up in my uni bedroom to make it that little bit more homely. They're such nice quality, so shiny and the perfect size for going in a row above my bed. I can't get over how easy it was to have them done and they're a perfect addition to my love of photographs.


Are you a lover of polaroid pictures? I'd love to see yours, feel free to tag me on Instagram (@katygilroyblog)


  1. You know what, I wanted a Polaroid, like a proper old school one right through school but as soon as I was working and could buy cameras I was like pfft...that film though!
    I like this idea though! I may even just edit some photos and use my proper photo printer to do a few like this and see how they look!

    Danielle xo

  2. I'd love an Instax too but as you say the film is so expensive! This is a great idea as you know the photos are going to come out properly as you've already taken them - always part of the risk with polaroids!

    Tore | xo
