Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Summer 2015 in photos...

I've had a lovely Summer - my first with Sam, a job I enjoy and some wonderful events along the way. Time off uni to relax and gather my thoughts, let out my creative side and spend time with my friends and family: Summer is a good'n. Today I'm sharing the photos I've taken this year...

Wedding / Bee Jumper / Kimono
made by my sister

Gin tasting / #botanistbirthday / out
with bloggers @ Smugglers Cove

B&B view / welly boots / pretty sky

BBQ night with friends / my two best
girls @ my birthday / brother's GRAD

Flip flop weather / kitten snuggles / my
gorgeous fam @ the wedding

A wildly random selection of photographs, but they're some fab memories and I love sharing photos with you all on my blog and for me to look back at!


  1. Looks like a fab month
    im in love with ur butterfly dress its so pretty

  2. Looks like you had a great summer! Good luck with uni x :)


  3. You take such beautiful photos! It looks like you had a really good summer this year! We have the same Neck Deep hoodie too by the looks of it! :)
    Becky // www.rebeccamarie.co.uk xxx
